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27 September 2007

Young African Lad Builds Windmill. Pretty inspiring, no?
Yes, yes it is.

The third picture of him, standing up there and beaming so proudly, really makes my day.
posted by BoringPostcards 27 September | 08:23
Oh is that the fan you were wondering about when you asked if it was ok to sleep with a fan blowing on you? I'm going to change my answer to NO if it is ;)

Very cool story. He harnessed the power of books to help him harness the power of the wind. And for sixteen dollars!
posted by iconomy 27 September | 08:34
That's great. I wondered if the Emeka Okafor cited in the entry as "recent curator of the TED Global Conference in Arusha" was the 2005 NBA rookie-of-the-year Emeka Okafor or someone else. My work proxy prevented me from seeing more than the front page of the linked blog, and though I actually doubt he's the same guy (Okafor the power forward plays in Charlotte; this Okafor seems to live in NYC), the NBA guy is well-known for African outreach and degreed in finance with honors at UConn.

It's interesting to see how much positive change a little ingenuity can wreak. This guys should go into business making these things for his neighbors.

Also, a technical question: is the entire bike wheel necessary? Does it create drag? I reckon, since it uses a bike dynamo for power, that all you'd really need would be the hub, and that the spokes, rim, and tire are unnecessary weight (though, being a bike wheel, on of the world's few perfect engineering feats, it might not). Maybe he wants to keep the wheel intact in case he needs it for a bike someday.

And yeah, the smile in the last photo is worth the world.
posted by Hugh Janus 27 September | 09:08
I wonder, what is the value of the $16 in relation to the average weekly income?
posted by mightshould 27 September | 09:27
Yep, that's an amazing story. Really inspiring. I'm off to read his blog. Thanks for this, I need heart warming things at the moment.
posted by TheDonF 27 September | 10:27
posted by essexjan 27 September | 11:12
OMG! A bunny named Sue. || VOTE! VOTE! Get out the vote!