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Comment Feed:


27 September 2007

Bunnies payin' my rent Was just thinking of you guys because I've been working on this packaging.[More:]They're making cookies and crackers, all shaped like bunnies. My job was designing the kid's projects and games on the back panels of the box. The cookies are pretty cute, really.
We usually get a good bit of Annie's loot at Boo at the Zoo. The crackers are good, as are the cookies, but their mac 'n' cheese doesn't quite work, either as a foodstuff or as a trick-or-treat give-away.
posted by mrmoonpie 27 September | 10:38
nice! I get the feeling designing stuff for kids is fun. A friend of mine did the Kid Cuisine tv-dinner boxes and seemed to have more fun with that than a lot of his normal jobs.
posted by kellydamnit 27 September | 10:41
I like their mac and cheese but yeah, it would be odd to find it in a trick or treat basket.
posted by kellydamnit 27 September | 10:43
It spoils me a bit because I've done a lot of kids stuff, so designing supermarkets signs nowadays just doesn't really hold much fun at all. It's still a job though, doing the actual work is fun but you don't get to escape all of the meetings, company politics and corporate drudgery unfortunately. Wish I was doing more of it though.
posted by miss lynnster 27 September | 10:48
That's fun work! Even taking your previous comment into account.

Always find ways to do more of what you love...
posted by Miko 27 September | 11:26
I love Annie's!

And Barbara's.

So nice when hippie dippy processed food actually tastes better than the conventional version.
posted by small_ruminant 27 September | 12:00
So does anybody recommend Annie's Cheddar Bunnies (especially the White Cheddar Bunnies) or Graham Bunnies to actually use as snacking material for grown-up kids over 50? (Or would I be kicked out of #bunnies for chomping down on bunnies?)
posted by wendell 27 September | 19:43
I like stouffer's. I liked it better pre-microwave cause it had that neat crust on top that you could mash into it for texture.
posted by jonmc 27 September | 19:54
I think these are what wendell was referring to. I'll vouch for them. They're the Cheez-its you can sorta feel good about. Plus, y'know, bunny-shaped. I haven't had the white cheddar, though.
posted by bmarkey 27 September | 20:06
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