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25 September 2007

What Was Your First Word? [More:]Mine was "don't". I'm guessing it was something I heard a lot.

Inspired by this thread.
Mine was "milk." Of course, I don't drink milk anymore and haven't since...high school or so, maybe earlier. (I just don't like the taste of it at all.)
posted by sisterhavana 25 September | 15:05
I asked my mom that question: She said, "Frankly, I don't remember. Does that make me a bad mother? OK...'dada'...from here on out your first word was 'dada'. Your brother can have 'no!'"
posted by muddgirl 25 September | 15:05
posted by misteraitch 25 September | 15:08
Mine was "don't" too.
posted by essexjan 25 September | 15:09
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson 25 September | 15:09
Light. Apparently I spent a week or two pointing at every light in the house and saying "Light! Light!" Then I got bored of it and say anything else for like a month.
posted by Joe Invisible 25 September | 15:09
I dont' know what my first word was, but I can remember the first word that I wrote. I was in pre-school, and fingerpainting, and I wrote "away" and then asked my teacher whether that was a real word. I remember she wouldn't let me clean it up until my mother came to pick me up, so she could show her.
posted by gaspode 25 September | 15:11
Daddy. My daughter's first word was Daddy as well. My son's first was bulldozer. Pronounced buhdee.
posted by iconomy 25 September | 15:15

Apparently my first sentence was "More cookie." I stand behind that.
posted by occhiblu 25 September | 15:18
I can remember the first word I wrote, "refrigerator," but nobody else could read it, those idiots, I copied it exactly from the one in our kitchen.
posted by StickyCarpet 25 September | 15:19
Mama and then baba. I loved the baba.
posted by LoriFLA 25 September | 15:19
According to my baby book: "coffee". I've never really believe it, though.
posted by eamondaly 25 September | 15:42
Apparently "Bi' Da" which I'm told referred to "a bit of that" I say it was my Nana's Jamesons' but they claim it was bread!
posted by Wilder 25 September | 15:49
"Doh" which was "dog". Repeated incessantly and with great enthusiasm.
posted by Specklet 25 September | 15:54
I don't know what mine was but my son's was A Dog. We were at the zoo - there used to be an African Village at the Baltimore zoo with a herd of black goats and you could reach through the fence and pet them. He was 10 months old and was so excited by the zoo that day; by the time we got to the goats he was practically leaping out of the stroller. He grabbed a goat and just shouted, "A Dog! A dog! A dog, a dog, a dog!" Then he kept it up all the way back to the entrance - every animal was A Dog! It was great. My daughter, OTOH, pretty much started right in with the sentences, stuff like "Go, daddy! Want cookie!" and so on at about 8 months and has not, as they say, shut up since.
posted by mygothlaundry 25 September | 15:58

My mom and I lived with my grandparents at the time; both Grammy and Grandpa wore glasses and NEVER knew where they were. It wasn't that big of a house, and I was there pretty much all the time, so I always knew where to find them. I was constantly on the prowl at their house, actually, looking for Grammy's Jean Naté bath products from CVS hidden in the towel closet, or peeling their very sticky vinyl placemats off the glass-topped table, or exploring the basement and pretending that I was playing a song played by the keyboard's demo mode.

I also apparently taught myself to read from a combination of the newspaper, Wheel of Fortune and the phone book, and by the age of 3 or so I was shocking relatives by reading previously-unseen greeting cards with hard words like "through" inside.

I teach English now, so I guess I knew I had to get started early.
posted by mdonley 25 September | 16:04
Oh, you're gonna love this.

posted by Ambrosia Voyeur 25 September | 16:50
As a baby I was frightened of reflected light on the ceiling or wall, particularly if it moved, like, say, from a cup of coffee sitting in the morning sunlight or from the lid of my dad's Sail pipe tobacco can. Before I would crawl or toddle into any room of the house, I would first crane my neck and scan the ceiling for flickers. Naturally, my first word was a tremulous "light," accompanied by a wail, tears, and a headlong scamper to the safety of a stairwell.
posted by Hugh Janus 25 September | 16:57
Light, also.
posted by jessamyn 25 September | 17:03
Mine was my sister's name. Family lore has it that she used to coach me: "say Lisa. Lisa. Leee-sah!" Finally I obliged by chirping "eesa!"
posted by scody 25 September | 17:25
It was probably Joe (or "doe"), after my older brother Joe. I drove him nuts as a kid.

(huh, funny... I didn't see yours scody until after I previewed.)
posted by Pips 25 September | 17:29
For all you light people, my father's last words were "turn out the light."
posted by StickyCarpet 25 September | 17:39

When I was growing up my parents had a grandfather clock in the living room. It chimed every 15 minutes.
posted by paulus andronicus 25 September | 17:47
My first word was "cheerios."

What can I say-- I'm a sucker for marketing.

And a bright yellow box.

bulldozer. Pronounced buhdee.

not sure that really counts as a word.
posted by dersins 25 September | 17:49
posted by paulsc 25 September | 18:29

my dad was so proud.
posted by lonefrontranger 25 September | 19:04
According to my parents, I just started speaking in sentences.
posted by Eideteker 25 September | 19:22
Same things all babies say early on: "Huh."
posted by Smart Dalek 25 September | 21:21
Eideteker: same here. According to family lore, they had been quite worried since my brother had started speaking a lot younger, and it had been impossible to make him shut up ever since. But when my brother went to the hospital for a couple of weeks for a surgery, I suddenly started to speak. It turned out that I simply hadn't been given a chance to talk ;) My first words had been something like "I don't want to".
posted by Daniel Charms 26 September | 06:32
Mine was "hot."
Apparently I was fascinated by the gas stove from an early age. (the first time I stood up was by pulling myself on it, to which my mom grabbed me and screamed "NO KELLY! HOT!!!"
posted by kellydamnit 26 September | 11:24
Most recent LJ images posts. || I need a joke or something. Please hope me.