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24 September 2007

Do it yourself t-shirts? Has anyone had success? I'm looking to do just a tee or two for myself from time to time. These have proved incredibly sucky. Suggestions? Or is there anything Cafe Press-ish online that is okay for small (or single) runs? [More:]

The Avery dark t-shirt transfers are an utter bust for me. I doubled the ironing time on my first attempt and got good results until the second wash, after which the design nearly disintegrated. For my second and third attempts I followed the instructions religiously and got even worse results, with the designs actually peeling off entirely after the first wash. At least the tees were salvaged.

As long as you don't wash, dry, or actually wear the t-shirts, that stuff is fabulous ;)

A while ago I asked a question about t-shirt printing and loquacious gave me some terrific pointers. I'll see if I can find it.
posted by iconomy 24 September | 14:04
As long as you don't wash, dry, or actually wear the t-shirts, that stuff is fabulous ;)

posted by shane 24 September | 14:06
They do crack after washings (inside out even) and the larger the transfer, the worse the outcome. Maybe iconomy has better result on the way…

If not:
I’ve also used the dark tshirt transfers. Mixed results too. The best application of the transfers involved using a high quality cotton shirt, washing and not using a softener when drying, pressing down hard on a hard surface (laminate countertop with towel protection).

Sorry, not much help.
posted by mightshould 24 September | 14:07
Oh, my question was more about silkscreening or stencilling. Still, you may want to read it. Is it photographs you want to transfer, or your drawings, maybe?
posted by iconomy 24 September | 14:07
Thanks! To you too, mightshould.

Is it photographs you want to transfer, or your drawings, maybe?

Drawings eventually. Maybe photographs simplified to designs in a digital program as well. I've started off by stealing simple, fun, quirky illustrations and designs from my absolute favorite artists, though, till I get the process right. And those are great fun, too.
posted by shane 24 September | 14:11
They're expensive, but I've gotten some reasonable quality results from spreadshirt.
posted by dersins 24 September | 14:49 claims to be like Cafepress but better. I dunno about single runs.
posted by scarabic 24 September | 16:13
Yes, the cat LOVES the baby ... why do you ask? || Is 5 mbps fast?