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Comment Feed:


20 September 2007

I just bought my first cellphone. It's a basic model. Is there anything cool I can do with this thing besides make calls?
It's a UTstarcom 7205, which means it is a Qualcomm/something CDMA. I have unlimited non-roaming calls and unlimited texting. It's a cricket phone for $25/month. I can't figure out if I can email to or from it yet.

My wife and I have already agreed that if we ever use it while driving we'll kill ourselves.

What are your favorite cell phone tricks and hacks?
posted by craniac 20 September | 17:05
Oooh, these are nice:

manage your life via sms

As are these: 10 cool cell phone tricks
posted by craniac 20 September | 17:27
if we ever use it while driving

That's where bluetooth comes in. A decent generic headset can be had on amazon for about $25

Also, the little cameras are great for discretely photographing examples of human folly. My coworker showed me an image she snapped on the train of a woman with "cunt" tattooed on the back of her neck. We had a nice LOL over that one.
posted by pieisexactlythree 20 September | 18:38
Ah, we don't even have a camera on ours! When the camera phones are back in stock at cricket (only $50) I'll sell ours on ebay, since we got it for 30 bucks and it is selling for $50 online.
posted by craniac 20 September | 19:27
MacGuyver could blow up the world with that and some duct tape. Be creative, why don'tcha? You could at least hack into the government's satellite link-up and download all the CIA's pron. Then read William Gibson's latest book, become inspired, and post all that pron as virtual art that would show up on GPS networks, maybe floating in fields of opium poppies or coca farms or other popular GPS sights. Geez. Get to it.
posted by shane 20 September | 23:16
I forgot to mention I'm sharing the phone with my wife.
posted by craniac 20 September | 23:21
Self AskMe link
posted by IndigoRain 21 September | 02:57
Also, CIA ProN consists of badly photoshopped images of world leaders in compromising positions with each other and various barnyard residents. I may never get that image of Margaret Thatcher out of my head.
posted by craniac 21 September | 08:39
Update: twitter has been pretty cool.
posted by craniac 30 May | 15:08
LOLrabeez! || I'm not sure if this is a Persian prank, or what