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20 September 2007

Argh!!! Tell me it's all going to get done and it'll all be okay![More:]

I'm leaving for my parents' house tomorrow and I have so much to do and I'm going to be gone for I-don't-know-how-long and I'm freaking out! I got up at 7 (!) this morning because I couldn't sleep. I still have to clean the bathroom and the living room and fold laundry and pack and run a bunch of errands and then I have to get up at 4 AM tomorrow to catch a shuttle to the airport! And I'm afraid I'll get pukey on the plane because I've been having really bad motion sickness! And my mom is having open heart surgery on Monday and I am scared!

*deep breaths*
(((((mupps)))) Dramamine (original formula) works for me, the queen of motion sickness in all forms. Good luck with your mom's surgery - keep us posted when you can, and yeah, don't forget to breathe.
posted by chewatadistance 20 September | 11:25
It will all get done. Don't worry. Take some ginger before you get on the plane!

Hugs to you, pupps, and ultramagic healing to your mom! {{{{pupps}}}}
posted by taz 20 September | 11:34
There, there. It'll be OK. Your Mom will be OK. Everything's gonna work out for the best. (and the cleaning and folding can just wait you know)

posted by mightshould 20 September | 11:50
Everything that needs to be done will get done! You should take some sleeping meds for the plane and sleep through the flight. Hugs!
posted by rhapsodie 20 September | 11:58
Wow. Just reading that, I had to stop and take a deep breath.

That might not be a bad idea for you, too.

You'll get it done, and what you don't get done isn't that important anyway.

You're important. So here's this: ((((mp))))

Your mom's important. So here's this: ((((mp's mom))))
posted by Elsa 20 September | 12:01
posted by rainbaby 20 September | 12:11
Big hugs kid. Take a breath.

Wishing your mom the best.
posted by arse_hat 20 September | 12:11
Hang in there, pupps! It's easy to get overwhelmed, but take that advice about the deep breaths. *hug* (and a hug to mom-puppie, also)
posted by BoringPostcards 20 September | 12:15
Dramamine. It works. They sell it at the airport.

I also kinda like that it puts me to sleep and I just sleep through the whole trip.
posted by misskaz 20 September | 12:46
Pack a pistol, and a hipflask of kerosene when you board on the plane and all those other concerns will go away, somehow.

This always works for me. . .

Seriously, it will all get done, and if it doesn't, it will be there when you get back. All of us will keep you, and your mom, in our hearts. . .travel well pups.
posted by danf 20 September | 12:50
It's all going to get done. It'll all be okay.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson 20 September | 12:55
Hang in there, pup. The stuff that needs to get done will get done; the stuff that can wait will wait. Good thoughts accomapany you on your trip, and always.
posted by bmarkey 20 September | 13:05
I'll be wishing you the best, pup.
posted by box 20 September | 13:12
Hey puppie! Ooooff, I feel for you. My piece of wisdom is: don't worry about your durn house. Really! Do what you can, give everything else a lick and a promise. I always feel like I have to leave a spotless house when I go on a trip - then about half an hour into the trip, that really pales in importance. I think maybe it's just a way to displace trip anxiety. So don't worry about a perfect house. Even if I was housesitting for you, and I arrived to less-than-perfect conditions, I'd say to myself "hey, she's worried about her mom and hasn't had time to clean up - no biggie." I mean, perspective. You can fold the laundry when you get home.

You'll be all right. (((pup)))
posted by Miko 20 September | 13:16
Another person here telling you not to worry about your house.

Your mom is going to be OK.

((((Mudpuppie))) You'll do fine.
posted by LoriFLA 20 September | 13:31
I'm sending much love westward, pups! Having a lot to do is good when you're nervous/scared. Scrubbing can be massively therapautic. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest. Keep us updated on your mom, OK? I'll be thinking of you.
posted by jrossi4r 20 September | 14:17

Slow down, sweetie. Get done what must be done, the rest will wait.

Sending good thought to you and your mum.
posted by deborah 20 September | 14:35
Dad had openheart nigh on 15 years ago. Last month, his cardiologist said, "well, you'll die eventually, but it's not going to be your heart." So, may your mom have a recovery every bit as good as Dad's.

Safe travels.
posted by crush-onastick 20 September | 15:03
Smiley happy huggy wishes, and I'm sure you'll get everything done that you need to do.

And best of bestest wishes to your mom.
posted by occhiblu 20 September | 15:08
Everything that needs to get done will be done.

You and your mom will be in my thoughts.
posted by lilywing13 20 September | 15:53
Many hugs and whuffles to you, sweet mudpuppie, and best wishes for your mum. Do what absolutely has to be done and don't sweat the rest. We'll be thinking of you.
posted by elizard 20 September | 18:53
Pup - It's probably too late for this trip, but know that you're welcome to crash at my place anytime; I can clear out to J.'s apt. 4 blocks away with all of 2 minutes notice.

Have a safe trip, and whuffles to you & your mom.
posted by Triode 20 September | 20:17
Y'all rock. No surprise there. Thanks for all the, y'know, stuff.

Thank you.
posted by mudpuppie 20 September | 22:00
*hugs mudpuppie*....I would just throw out the trash and put the clean laundry in a basket or laundry bag. I remember how scary it was when my dad had his surgery---sending good thoughts to you and your mom.
posted by brujita 20 September | 23:04
*hugs mudpuppie*

You'll be fine; I just know it.

Best wishes to your mom; hope she has the speediest of recoveries.
posted by hadjiboy 20 September | 23:31
Best wishes to you and your mother, mudpuppie. I'll be thinking of you.
posted by halonine 22 September | 13:03
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