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19 September 2007

Permanent funds of moneys in my pocket. [More:]$1,654 courtesy of Big Oil.

I <3 Alaska.

What should I spend it on? A lighting set for my camera? A few new lenses? Something responsible like my student loan? Or somthing ridiculously frivilous like shoes?
I'd buy weed, but that's just me.
posted by BitterOldPunk 19 September | 18:53
Ooh! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!

But you don't have to spend al of it on can be a little responsible too and pay down part of your loan...
posted by phoenixc 19 September | 18:55
A pair of shoes.

Some of your loan.

A slice of really decadent delicious cheesecake.
posted by gomichild 19 September | 19:01
Shoes! Shoes are never a frivolous purchase.

Then the loan.
posted by LoriFLA 19 September | 19:11
I just luuuurve unbudgeted cash, whether it's $20 found in my winter coat pocket or the PFD. I always get the urge to simultaneously blow it and hold on to it forever.
posted by rhapsodie 19 September | 19:17
You could donate it to an environmental organization (maybe an Alaska- or ANWR-specific one, even).

Or, buy some weed and a pair of shoes and a cheesecake, then donate the rest to an environmental organization.
posted by box 19 September | 19:21
Buy something that will last and give you lifelong happiness. I suggest a quilt. Why? Because it's one of the few purchases I've ever made in my life that I use every day and have never regretted spending good money on. Or buy DVDs of your favorite shows and movies.
posted by SassHat 19 September | 19:22
Shoes with a secret compartment for storing weed!
posted by danostuporstar 19 September | 19:27
Weed-print shoes!
posted by box 19 September | 19:41
A very sharp knife (high carbon steel), two Hudson Bay wool blankets, a vintage recurve hunting bow, two sacks of died kidney beans and spend the rest on a really fancy dinner and some clothes.
posted by Divine_Wino 19 September | 20:03
Pay off your loans. Credit cards, too, if possible. There's no sense in paying interest. If that means you have none of it left, so be it.

I just went through the same thing. I did buy a guitar and I probably will buy an L series lens, but I paid off all my debt before I did anything else.

As a result, we've had salespeople calling here day and night, trying to get us to take out new loans, cards, etc. I guess our credit score just went through the roof.

I guess other people in my situation wouldn't have paid off the cards, eh?
posted by chuckdarwin 19 September | 20:09
Oh, if we're being serious, save back 200 bucks for something nice and pay down your loans, don't carry debt a second longer than you have to.
posted by Divine_Wino 19 September | 20:14
As much as I would love to let it sit in my savings account, I will probably spend $300 on my camera and dedicate the rest to my student loan, which is the only debt I currently have. I would love to be debt-free.
posted by rhapsodie 19 September | 20:31
Get something that will last for years and that you'll use every day. Like a good ukulele.

That recurve bow sounds good. The world needs more things you can shoot in your apartment without kililng anyone. You will never regret getting a leatherman micra and putting it on your keychain. You will regret giving it to your father on his birthday in a fit of maudlin generosity, and you will contemplate stealing it back for years afterwards.
posted by craniac 19 September | 20:37
Wait--$1654? I missed that. Put something on your loan first. Wow. Get something cool and non-electronic that won't be outdated in two years.
posted by craniac 19 September | 20:39
My father gave me a leatherman micra for my birthday one year! I love it!

Ooh, or a bass guitar and amp to replace the one my ex took in the divorce...
posted by rhapsodie 19 September | 20:40
I'd put 80% towards debt and spend 20% on something delightful. Be responsible and have fun at the same time!
posted by scody 19 September | 20:45
non-electronic that won't be outdated in two years.

The great thing about EF lenses is that they have a very long shelf life.
posted by chuckdarwin 20 September | 04:34
Yeah, putting most of it into your student loan sounds like a good idea, but do put some of it aside for yourself. The few times I've gotten a windfall I've bought a piece of art, usually by a friend. It lasts forever, and it feels good to have it in your space.
posted by elizard 20 September | 05:02
Hee hee! Me too! Not from the same source, though. Tuesday, just before a meeting, my boss handed me an envelope. In it was a printout from the payroll department saying that I had a $1500 bonus coming to me. Not for anything really specific--we hadn't just finished a project or anything. The boss just thought I was working hard and deserved a prize.

Then, just this morning, on my walk to work, I found $84 on the sidewalk. I'll keep an eye out for "Lost money" signs, but there's no other way for me to know who it belongs to.

I'll have to pay taxes on the $1500, but, still, found money!
posted by mrmoonpie 20 September | 09:37
Failures of Empathy || OMFG tiny DJs!