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18 September 2007

hipster pda vs. iphone

There can be only one.

He lost me with this line "In my analysis I will not take into consideration features such as phone calls and Internet access since Hipster PDA’s are not yet used in this fashion."

Its a cellphone, you use it to make phone calls. He also completely overlooked the music and video playing aspects of the iPhone.

And he didn't account for the utter wankery that is the Hipster PDA. Its a notepad.
posted by fenriq 18 September | 23:50
Yeah, ultimately that was sorta weak. I was thinking of writing my own version of this and that googled to the surface. I was just thinking about how I'll write down future google searches on scraps of paper when I'm offline. It's scary how much google has invaded my thinking.

"you can’t customize the color of your iPhone at will using a crayon or marker."
posted by craniac 19 September | 00:17
"you can’t customize the color of your iPhone at will using a crayon or marker."
Why not?
posted by dg 19 September | 00:33
One might argue that an iphone is utter wankery. And yes, they can be painted.
posted by craniac 19 September | 00:38
I agree that iPhones may be utter wankery as well. But they're not pretending to be cool, like a Hipster PDA.

Besides, something as pretty and slick as the iPhone can't be all bad. And, this is the kicker, porn on the iPhone totally kicks the tail off of porn on a Hipster PDA.
posted by fenriq 19 September | 01:12
I notice that lately I'm annoyed by pretty much everthing with the word Hipster attached to it. Ten bucks says this this guy's got a cellphone and a laptop, but somehow he's too cool to own an iPhone.
posted by doctor_negative 19 September | 02:06
Say what you will about the unfortunately named Hipster PDA, but I love mine.
posted by mischief 19 September | 02:50
I imagine that any number of celebrity socialites have already had pink rhinestones glued to their iPhone.

Don't click that, by the way.
posted by chuckdarwin 19 September | 05:15
Doc Severinsen - Court Of The Crimson King || Stew Leonard Commercial Bloopers (YouTube)