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17 September 2007

How many bunnies have resigned this year? +1 that. In the long and tortuous story of my working for my current company I've been happy for about six months. That was 2.5 years ago. [More:]Today that ends. I resigned. I really just wanted to join the throngs of bunnies who have made similar decisions for themselves this year.

I tried to resign last week. I didn't have a job offer or anything. I just knew it was right for me. My boss insisted I take the weekend to think about it. Then on Friday I got an offer from I company I'm very much looking forward to working for.

Now I just have to get them to realize I'm serious and let me transition my knowledge to someone else. Wooooo.
I got laid off on purpose. Close enough?
posted by jonmc 17 September | 12:55
Huzzah, I would say even better!
posted by FlamingBore 17 September | 12:58
yay! ! ! !

(resigned this year)
posted by By the Grace of God 17 September | 13:07
I'm (hopefully) on the cusp of resigning, if New Museum can offer me enough money to live on. I'm in the middle of a very high-stress game of phone tag right now.

If it works out and I can resign, I expect Trumpets of Joy to come down from the sky.
posted by cobra! 17 September | 13:13
I got fired in 2005. Can't remember the date. I hardly remember any of the people... it seems like another life.

Anyway, I had to quit teaching music because we needed insurance after we had the kids.

So, I started out working for Dell, then BellSouth DSL, then some dotcom that failed, then Handspring, Iomega... you get the picture (this is how I got started in tech). I was a tech support supervisor, and managed teams of about 25 guys. Lines:

"Come to work on time."

"Don't show up stoned/drunk/completely hungover/on no sleep because of gaming."

"Don't say 'motherfucking cockmuncher' on the call floor."

"Don't pinch girls on the arse."

"This is a final written warning."

"I'm sorry you're fired."

You get the picture.

After a few years, all the tech work went to India, and I got stuck working for Gevalia coffee (overpriced nonfairtrade coffee picked by child slaves and delivered right to your house).

Let's be straight here: I fucking hate coffee. I hate the smell, I hate smelling it on people's breath. Hate. The. Shit.

I wasn't happy, and it was a shit job with lots of escalated calls. People get sucked in to signing up for said deliveries when they get the free (shit) coffeemaker and then forget to cancel.

Some guy on the phone asked "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR (he wanted some free mugs)?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"Yes, sir; I'm calling you a liar." *click*

(this is a big no-no in the old call centre racket)

About a week later, they played the tape. I (rightly) was fired.

It was the best thing that ever happened to me; I needed a kick up the arse.

I went home and started making my plans to emigrate. Six months later, we left the country [never to return].
posted by chuckdarwin 17 September | 13:17
I resigned from two jobs last year. No more for a few years.
posted by mullacc 17 September | 13:34
I quit my job in april. No job to go to, and now I'm sitting here gestating.
posted by pinky.p 17 September | 13:50
Well, if anyone wants my job... they're hiring. :)
posted by FlamingBore 17 September | 15:16
OK, looks like I'm on my way out. Cue trumpets of joy.
posted by cobra! 17 September | 15:36
My job at a giant corporation got sent to India five years ago but it took the company three more years after that to get around to laying me off. In between that, they paid for a $60,000 master's degree for me. They laid me off just as I was finishing the degree; my notice was literally two weeks after their last check to the university cleared. They gave me three months severance pay and forgave the debt that I owed them for the tuition. I felt almost guilty about it but not really.

As soon as I finished up my thesis work, my old manager, who had moved to a little start up, called up and said, "hey want a job?" If I'd had any belief in a higher power, I'd think that someone what watching over me but I guess that I'm just stupidly lucky. Or something.
posted by octothorpe 17 September | 15:45
Oh, and I hated, hated, hated working for Giant Corporation but was staying for the degree. If I had not been laid off, I would just now be fulfilling my two year contract to the company in exchange for the tuition. So I would have been been quitting right about now. Of course two more years there would have driven me totally and completely bonkers so who knows where I'd be now.
posted by octothorpe 17 September | 15:56
I gave my notice today. I have mixed feelings about it.
posted by ooga_booga 17 September | 18:04
I quit my job in May. I had really liked it for a few years, but the entire demeanor of my department changed when a new manager moved in about a year & 1/2 ago and hired all of his cronies. I had begun to really hate that they expected me to lie (I wouldn't) and wanted me to do things I thought were out and out unethical.

After watching what they were doing to people's lives (about 45 people in my department), I realized even if we weren't going to move to Portland, I'd have to quit and sooner rather than later.

A final turning point was watching the jerk make someone who worked for me work 100 hours while his daughter was in the hospital. The guy resigned after that to be with his daughter, thankfully. I got in trouble because I'd send him home to be with his family every chance I got.

Am very happy to be gone from there - I'll work long hours when you need me to, but family should come first for everyone, and honestly we could have made all of that work without that.

My friends have told me they feel like they got me back, that I had been miserable for such a long time that they forgot what it was like to see me happy.
posted by Sil 17 September | 20:05
I resigned this year to move back home.
posted by Mitheral 17 September | 20:12
I have two jobs. Both are very part-time. I resigned from the job I had working as a nurse in a hospital. My last day was today. Woo! It was a day from hell, which just reiterates that it was a good idea to leave. I had mixed feelings. Some days are wonderful. Everyday that I work I receive compliments from patients and their families. It can be very rewarding. A nurse said to me today, "I'm using you as my role model. You are so calm under pressure." What a nice way to go out.

I will still be working as a nurse in my other job, which is outpatient cardiac rehab.

Sometimes I don't know why I work at all. I have a dark side that wants to be a lady that lunches.
posted by LoriFLA 17 September | 20:44
reinforces not reiterates
posted by LoriFLA 17 September | 21:02
I resigned precisely a year ago, let my husband, and moved cities. Best decision I've ever made, except maybe moving cities. I hate the big-citiness of Anchorage, and this fact alone makes me realize I would never survive outside of Alaska.

Now to get out of the Non-Profit rut I'm in: it seems once you're in the non-profic sector they never let you out.
posted by rhapsodie 18 September | 15:55
I resigned last month, and am currently unemployed. Blissfully unemployed. If you're in a shitty job, sometimes it's just not worth the cost to your sanity to stick around.
posted by malaprohibita 18 September | 17:45
What exactly am i looking at here? || What's your naughty food indulgence?