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16 September 2007

O.J. Simpson is arrested, complains to Associated Press he no longer relies on police.
Forgive me, but I can't seem to find anything in the article that says OJ himself is under arrest.
posted by CitrusFreak12 16 September | 14:07
Left side CF.
posted by arse_hat 16 September | 14:15
Oh! Related news. Did not think to even look there. Danke.
posted by CitrusFreak12 16 September | 14:23
Sorry. I linked the wrong article. Whooops.
posted by miss lynnster 16 September | 14:24
Between OJ, Robert Blake and Phil Spector, I've come to the conclusion that over-the-hill celebrities are dangerous. I think I just saw Paul Anka skulking in the alley.
posted by jonmc 16 September | 14:34
(I used to have a mad crush on Robert Blake, back in the day. Weird, I know.)

I kinda think the subset of celebrities who are also bona fide narcissists is probably pretty doggone large.

Anyway, I know that God's justice in one form or another will find OJ one day, and he will WISH all he had to deal with was the LAPD.
posted by bunnyfire 16 September | 14:57
On the other hand, the fact that you can still count the number of celebrities who have gotten away with murder on one hand shows that this is not an Official Sign of the Breakdown of Society. In fact, I'd say the continued fascination with these few sociopaths is more worrisome - akin to the "fear of terrorism"; although this also includes the disturbing number of people still openly supporting them (it used to be harder to admit you admired a murderer). Back in the 'good old days', I'm sure there were many more celebrities who 'got away with murder' simply because we never heard about it.
posted by wendell 16 September | 15:46
Talk about narcissists! Robert Blake creeped me the Hell out long before the murder (he's a jazz fan, so he occasionally entered my social circle). I wasn't quiet about how much he icked me out, and I was disappointed by it -- I always thought Baretta was cool & kinda hot in a way. But in person, totally different take. He was always trying so hard to act & look tough/cool when it wasn't appropriate, it rubbed me wrong to no end. Like I remember once when he showed up wearing a fancy suit to a fellow singer's summer afternoon barbecue (ie, hot weather/very casual dresscode) and then stood in the corner of the music room alone, leaning on the wall in a macho way while staring at people. I said hi to him, I'd met him a few times & figured I'd make conversation with Baretta. But when I tried conversing with him he didn't make a sound, he just repeatedly nodded his chin towards me as his response. (He did that every time I met him. The patented Bobby Blake macho chin nod. Ugh. Looked like a facial tick he picked up from The Sting or something.) The whole party he didn't return conversation with much of anyone. The only person he wanted to talk with was the hostess of the party, and that was because he was clearly romantically interested in her... not tough to spot that. She was busy with the party most of the time that day though, so he just stood there antisocial in the corner, all posed and macho & sweating in his inappropriately fancy suit. His attitude always came across as so posed and fake to me, I found him thoroughly creepy, narcissistic and manipulative. Some people say he's a nice guy but I didn't get to see that side of him at all, even though I wanted to.

I will say that the best thing prison did for him was that it forced him to stop wearing that creepy shoe-black hair dye, though. He looks far better and less skeezy with white hair.
posted by miss lynnster 16 September | 16:22
I always thought Baretta was cool & kinda hot in a way.

well, if he had only consulted with his bird, this whole mess might never had happened.
posted by jonmc 16 September | 16:33
Britney is still the greater threat to humanity. Tommy Lee appears to have the go ahead for a celebrity boxing match (HBO is very interested) if Kid Rock accepts. Now, OJ has a weapons-related charge along with his good buddie, Pacman (or whomever).

I love Vegas.
posted by mischief 16 September | 16:41
But when I tried conversing with him he didn't make a sound, he just repeatedly nodded his chin towards me as his response. (He did that every time I met him. The patented Bobby Blake macho chin nod. Ugh. Looked like a facial tick he picked up from The Sting or something.) The whole party he didn't return conversation with much of anyone. The only person he wanted to talk with was the hostess of the party, and that was because he was clearly romantically interested in her... not tough to spot that. She was busy with the party most of the time that day though, so he just stood there antisocial in the corner, all posed and macho & sweating in his inappropriately fancy suit.

Jesus. That is . . . sooooooooo adolescent.

Too cool to make conversation. Too cool to make small talk. Too cool to acknowledge a stranger approaching you at a party.

I love stories like this, though. They allow me to put my social awkwardness in perspective and understand that I am not the biggest dork in the world. Not by a long shot.

Thanks for sharing that one, miss lynnster.
posted by jason's_planet 16 September | 16:43
Britney is still the greater threat to humanity.

I just had the following conversation:

Me: Have you seen the magazine I was reading? The one with Britney on the cover?
Him: Yeah, I flipped it over and put some other papers on top of it. I didn't want the girl to see the cover.
Me: Why? You think a bikini is inappropriate?
Him: No. I just...I don't know. For some reason I just really didn't want her to see Britney Spears. Ever.
posted by jrossi4r 16 September | 16:54
Self-help is seldom a good idea.
posted by exogenous 16 September | 18:28
Arresting him is going to put a crimp in his search for the real robbers.
posted by stilicho 16 September | 23:07
Simpson's arrest came just days after the Goldman family published a book that Simpson had written under the title, "If I Did It" about how he would have committed the killings of his ex-wife and Goldman had he actually done it.

After a deal for Simpson to publish it fell through, a federal bankruptcy judge awarded the book's rights to the Goldman family, who retitled it "If I Did It: The Confessions of the Killer." During the weekend, the book was the hottest seller in the country, hitting No. 1 on and Barnes &

WTF? Simpson wrote a book? And on how he would have done it, had he done it? Now that's lame.
posted by philomathoholic 16 September | 23:13
Not to mention that it's going to totally screw up his golf game, stilicho.
posted by miss lynnster 17 September | 00:46
I don't think Simpson could write a book. He was going to have a book written, but he lost the rights to it and the Goldman family wrote it instead.

To be honest, I don't think any of them are showing much class by cashing in on a murder.
posted by Citizen Premier 17 September | 02:34
To be honest, I don't think any of them are showing much class by cashing in on a murder.

I read that the money is going towards that civil judgment that Simpson still owes the Goldmans.
posted by exogenous 17 September | 07:47
From what I know (since he played for Buffalo way back when people here still give a shit, for some reason), he did write a book. It was a hypothetical "I didn't kill her, but hey, if I had killed her here's how it would have gone down."

And in a rare attack of decency Murdoch himself ordered the book and a related tv special canned.

So they never made it to stores, but a few did wind up on ebay.

And then the Goldman family sued his ass for the rights to the book, since he still owes them from the civil judgement. They won, and republished it under a different title.
posted by kellydamnit 17 September | 14:07
Does anyone in the world hate Ben Folds? || Paging jonmc. Jonmc to the green , please.