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Comment Feed:


14 September 2007

Ask Mecha: Do I really have to pay this university parking ticket? It is out of state, I don't go to the school, nor plan on returning. Do they just disappear into a magic ticket land?[More:] This is ridiculous, I went to pick up a friend who's car died. I parked in the lot, walked literally 5 feet to ask a nearby construction worker if it was okay to park there (thinking it might be under construction as there were hardly any cars). I turn around and see a meter maid, who must have waited for me to get out of my car. I offer to move my car, apologizing. She doesn't respond and says she can't do anything about it.

So I plan on just not paying this ticket ($30!) as I won't be going back to this university again, it is not even in my city or state, I'm visiting from out of town. These things just languish and die right? Or do they get turned over to the local police? There's an appeals process but I have to go back in person, which I'd rather not do. I'm livid right now. I told her she was going to get her ass handed to her in Metachat but she didn't care.
I can think of at least four universities where I've gotten parking tickets (not counting ones I've actually attended), and, to the best of my knowledge, nothing has ever come of it. YMMV, natch.
posted by box 14 September | 11:25
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, though I didn't realize how expensive parking tickets have become. I remember it being something in the range of $5. You think for $30 they'd at least have valet parking as an option.
posted by geoff 14 September | 11:40
Some schools, especially state schools, eventually escalate the tickets to the local police. If you are out of state you might be ok. If you call to ask about specifics, don't give them your name and don't use your own phone or they'll track you down. This is the primary reason I refuse to give money to my undergrad alma mater. They chose to nickel and dime me when I attended, so they can just piss off into the air. [cue chorus]
posted by craniac 14 September | 11:50
Fuck 'em. Ignore it. They can write all the tickets they want; it doesn't mean they'll ever get paid.
posted by trondant 14 September | 12:02
My amateur opinion is that the university is private property, and therefore the ticket has no substance beyond the edge of the property. It's just one more way to squeeze money out of their customers.

But I can tell you this - You'll never graduate from this fine institution with a black mark like that on your record, pal!
posted by Triode 14 September | 12:03
If it's a private university and you know for a fact you'll never go back, forget the ticket.

If it's a public school, I dunno.
posted by brina 14 September | 13:16
If you went to the school in the past, they're likely to withhold copies of transcripts (which you might need later) if you don't pay.
posted by exogenous 14 September | 14:08
By all means, don't pay, but what are you going to do about your conscience? HMMMMM?
posted by mike9322 14 September | 14:09
Appeal it. I appealed a campus ticket once, based on no clear signs and a changed policy, and won. If you explain the situation in the written appeal, you might win (usually you can mail in such an appeal, and they're often reviewed by a sympathetic student board). Otherwise, pay it. It's not that much. In today's computer-linked world, who needs the potential hassle over $30.

(Maybe I should have finished law school after all.)
posted by Pips 14 September | 18:32
Yeah; appeal it and/or send a polite letter to the school's security department explaining pretty much what you told us and ask if they can strike it.
posted by Doohickie 15 September | 10:24
Oh wow, appealing worked. And fast! It looks like I was not the first or the last to be pissed off about militant meter maids. They even had an appeals desk that appealed it right there, I could have made up anything. Maybe if they had a more reasonable policy they wouldn't have a staffed appeals desk. But then, maybe they make so much money off of $30 they can afford to staff a desk for the 1% with the nerve to complain.
posted by geoff 16 September | 12:46
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