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09 September 2007

Weekend plans: [More:]Friday evening: was able to catch the middle part of Crash, before I drifted off to sleep.

Saturday: Had to go into work at 8 am and stay till 4 pm. Came back home dead tired, had a nice lunch, said my prayers, logged onto the internet after a week, and stayed on it for 3 hours. Had a nice dinner, with brownies which my mum made. And finished the day off with watching Commando on the tube, and reminiscing about when I was a kid, and loved those sort of films.

Sunday: Woke up early, said my prayers, went back to sleep. Woke up again, got some groceries for my mom, read the paper, logged onto the net again. And if all goes well, will be able to meet a friend this evening who I haven’t seen since last year.
Yesterday: I went to a local organic farm which has a lovely big farm shop. I read in the paper there was a farmer's market there as well but I didn't see it. Maybe I got the day wrong.

But what I did see were GOATS! Little cute ones who were very friendly/greedy. Although they had a big field to munch on, they preferred the handfuls of clover from the other side of the fence that those of us they'd roped into being their slaves were fetching for them. There were sheep too, but they kept to themselves, and chickens and pigs, Tamworth reds and some kind of black and white pig.

I didn't do a lot for the environment - 20 mile drive and all I bought was a bottle of apple/ginger juice to take to a friend's for dinner.

In the evening, said dinner at friends, followed by an AA meeting. Then home, phone call with a friend and a late-ish night (for me).

Today the plan is to sweep up the acorns in my yard. I expect that'll be the plan for next Sunday too. And the one after that ... and the one after that ... then it'll be acorns AND leaves ...there are disadvantages to living by a forest.
posted by essexjan 09 September | 02:56

Got up around 10:30am. Answering machine had whiny plea for attention from ex-girlfriend. Why must she call when she knows I am sleeping? Happy for "do not disturb" mode on phone.

Called cow-orker to schedule meeting in afternoon. Made coffee. Worked for an hour to prepare. Ex calls again while I'm very busy editing. I let the machine get it as I really have to get this stuff done before the meeting. She leaves another whiny message.

Vacuumed office. Took out trash. Showered. Started a load of laundry.

Called ex back. She wants me to help her with errands. I remind her I have a meeting today, which I told her about the day before. Offer to take her to Costco later if I finish work early enough.

Co-worker arrives late, but called ahead to apologize. Spent 3+ hours going over corrections to our current book project.

Meeting over, I'm starved and need to get groceries. Call ex as promised. She whines about wanting to go but doesn't want to be out in public unshowered; there's not enough time before Costco closes.

I go to Costco, buy regrettable frozen crap, juice, and oatmeal-raisin cookies. Had Costco dog & soda for instant food. Returned The Lives of Others DVD at rental store.

Come home. Neighbor is washing his very sweet new dog with a garden hose and organic hand soap ("all he had"). Feel sorry for the dog because the weather is cold and rainy. I hope it got warm enough inside.

Made more coffee. Read MetaFilter while listening to music. Ex calls again to whine about her life. I tell her she's free to come over if she wishes. She wants company but whines about going out in the rain. (It really is icky outside today.) She'd want a ride over AND home later even though it's only a few blocks. She'd really like me to go to her place and entertain her, but I don't feel like it. She manages to keep me on the phone for forty-five minutes.

Microwaved regrettable frozen crap. Made tea. Watched part of newish (to me) Kids in the Hall DVD set.

More Internet. This post.

This day was fairly typical. The punchline to the needy ex-GF story is she dumped me two years ago.
posted by D.C. 09 September | 04:29
I did a big photo shoot yesterday and went out to watch a band last night... today I have a gig myself. Wish me luck.
posted by chuckdarwin 09 September | 05:38
Yesterday I went to LensCrafters for kid glasses and World Market for tea. My sister brought over Publix subs for dinner. This is my life people. I'm sorry yours isn't as exciting.
posted by LoriFLA 09 September | 08:59
Yesterday: slept a lot of it, blew-off a pot-luck I didn't want to go to (the mister and the mutt went), watched Children of Men when the mister got home, discussed wanting to slit our collective wrists with the mister after the end of the film (I can't recall a more depressing movie, very good tho'), played WoW until 2 a.m., went to bed.

Today: got up at 10 a.m., the mister cooked breakfast and we're about to leave to take him to the airport. He's going to San Francisco for a conference. I'm gonna miss the daft bugger.

Plans for the rest of the week: moping.
posted by deborah 09 September | 13:52
Friday: met up with friends for burgers and beer. Quiet night but still didn't get to bed until 2am.

Saturday: Up early to watch the All Blacks kill Italy in their first game of the Rugby World Cup. Drank guinness at 7.30am. Watched Flight of the Conchords while mr. gaspode went to work for a few hours. Went for a run. Cleaned apartment. Went to Daniel for dinner. Spent the most I have ever spent on one meal. Fucking deliciously amazing though. Went to our local pub for seabreezes and Jamesons.

Sunday: Up early to work out. Lifted lots of weights and stretched for a loooong time so I feel good. Home to work and watch football.
posted by gaspode 09 September | 14:06
Friday: Set out with a group of friends (that term seems too casual for them, though. The half dozen people I was with are more like my extended family than anything else) to pub crawl the neighborhood from one end to the other.
Made it to four bars and a diner.
It was a great time, though.
Saturday: Went to lunch with one of my friends from the previous night who had crashed on my couch and her boyfriend. The roommate could not come, he'd already made plans, but the wife of the friend he made plans with sent over enough basil to fill a gallon ziplock once I'd cleaned it.
Had a good turkey wrap for lunch, flirted with the chef who is so my type[1], and an aquaintance, and headed to the Nice Fabric Store.
I swear, I've never been pawed so much in my life... or heard the words "Now, I normally hate tattoos... but those are so CUTE!" from little old ladies before. Should have anticipated it. Got enough linen/rayon blend for 2 skirts, some canvas for a gym bag, and a bit of virgin mary print for odds and ends and a skirt detail. Then I went home and got more online. In addition to what I bought on ebay. Which should put my stash back to acceptable pre-dragoncon levels.
And all can be called "reinvestment!"
Didn't make it to a birthday party, but I'm not close with the birthday boy, and I'd bought him a shot the night before, so it's OK.

Today I'm hanging out with a friend I don't see often at some point, went to the grocery with my roommate, and doing a bit of sewing.

Currently agonizing over the wording of a casual email to a crush.
posted by kellydamnit 09 September | 14:57
Hey. || An Indiscriminate Act Of Kindness