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09 September 2007

An Indiscriminate Act Of Kindness [More:]
I heard a singer new to me - Foy Vance - on the radio yesterday, when he sang this song. I was in the car, and had to pull into a parking area because I was so moved by the lyric that it made me cry.
It's kind of amazing how much music can really get to you sometimes. The song itself is not my cup of tea, but I can relate to what you're talking about. I made a similar post about a song (Trains to Brazil) a few months ago that made me have pretty much the same reaction.

I wonder if anyone has studied this before. What causes people to connect with a particular song or lyric and respond in such a way?
posted by CitrusFreak12 09 September | 10:26
I'm pretty sure I know why it got to me. I find it so very hard to accept kindnesses from people, due to issues around low self-worth and feeling I don't deserve it.

Another song that gets me every time is "True Colors" by Cindi Lauper, for the same reasons.
posted by essexjan 09 September | 10:43
Essexjan I'm pretty sure you deserve any kindness/praise/awesome compliments/whatever you get from anyone. I think pretty darn highly of you just from the stuff you have to deal with, and I don't think I'm the only one. You handle it a lot better than I think I would in your shoes.
posted by CitrusFreak12 09 September | 11:02
Thanks, Jan. Made me cry too.
posted by Luminous Phenomena 09 September | 21:39
"... I find it so very hard to accept kindnesses from people, due to issues around low self-worth and feeling I don't deserve it. ..."

A full life requires learning graces, some of them being the simplicity to bask prettily/handsomely in praise when such is genuinely offered, and the courage to accept that the world sometimes values each of us, more than we do ourselves. The first rewards the wisdom of those who are brilliant enough to recognize our virtues, and the second provides hope to others infrequently noticed, that their quiet efforts are not in vain.

You're a smart girl, essexjan, and a pretty one, and I'm sure that, if you apply yourself diligently, you can learn these, as you've learned other great life lessons. The world will be better for your better opinion of yourself.

The tune you linked, while not as deeply affecting to me as to you, was lovely, and well worth a listen. Thanks for finding and posting it, thus making me aware of Foy Vance, too.
posted by paulsc 10 September | 02:30
Weekend plans: || This article really pissed me off!