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07 September 2007

Three point update: [More:]

1. Have been busy entire week with settling into my new workplace and getting the lay of the land. It's a terrifically long commute (by my standards; my former offices were just a stone's throw away compared to this place).

2. I'm part of a team of five right now, out of which I'm the only male, and we've been able to bond together quite well these past couple of days.

3. I have a one-on-one session with my managing director tomorrow, a lady, who's started this small outsourcing business from her home.
1. Tired, jet-lagged, and overcaffeinated.

2. Simultaneously over- and under-scheduled.

3. Psyched about the meetup tonight!
posted by Fuzzbean 07 September | 08:34
1. racing to get a job done

2. feeling musically challenged (in a good way)

3. worried about cashflow
posted by altolinguistic 07 September | 08:36
1. Today, I can not program. It's really annoying.

2. The programming language I use... The home page for the company that produces it barely registers with Alexa. I estimate they get approximately 100 visits a day. That's not a mainstream skill I can pimp out across the world.

3. My downstairs rinse sink seems to have detached itself away from the plumbing. I've no idea how to fix it.
posted by seanyboy 07 September | 08:46
1. I'm having a real hard time concentrating at work. Because of this PHP is confounding me.

2. I'm going to record vocal and bass overdubs for a transvestite party band this weekend.

3. It's time to go home.
posted by chillmost 07 September | 08:57
1. I've run 21.8 miles in the last week! Three weeks until my first 10K race.
2. The new manager at work is driving us nuts.
3. We finally have working a laundry in our new house.
posted by octothorpe 07 September | 08:59
1. I'm going to have occhiblu's broccoli arrabiata with feta sprinkled on top for supper tonight.

2. Today I bought a big, lusty tequila-sunrise-colored hibiscus plant and a charming small, jade-like flowering succulent.

3. Husband will come home in about a week; I'm preparing to be giddy.
posted by taz 07 September | 09:04
1. I'm going to go shoe shopping today.
2. I still haven't seen HP and the order of the phoenix and I've waited long enough that the theater showing it is only showing the imax version...and i'm not sure I want to drop $13 to see it. (Especially since there is a rumored mid November release date for the dvd.)
3. I am also going to the library this morning. YAY.
posted by fluffy battle kitten 07 September | 09:31
1. Four hours of sleep is not enough.

2. Hot water is nice. The apartment building's furnace ran dry last night. Though it's refilled, the furnace guy can't get into the locked area of the building, so he hasn't yet been able to restart the water heater.

3. Tonight was date night, but I'm thinking since we're both sleepy and haphazardly washed, maybe dinner at home in jammies would be best.
posted by Elsa 07 September | 10:32
uh-oh. updated to add:

4. Puking is not nice.

3b. Date night definitely (and indefinitely) postponed.
posted by Elsa 07 September | 11:06
1. So sleepy

2. So tired

3. Fuck insomnia


4. Abigail was at the vet clinic for most of three days. Bacterial or viral infection, they don't know which. She (and Oliver) were in the garden on Saturday and she probably ate something that didn't agree with her. She's on antibiotics and an extra close watch for the next 15 days.
posted by deborah 07 September | 12:22
1. I made it to the art store today, bought my transfer paper, and I picked up a big roll of tracing paper, too, since I always need it and never have any.

2. I'm joining the gym this weekend. Instead of joining the trendy one downtown that was a pain to get to and I never used, I'm being smart and joining the one a block from my house which I pass twice a day anyways this time.

3. I'm pretty hungry, and waiting for my boss to get back from his lunch so I can take mine.
posted by kellydamnit 07 September | 12:34
1. Although it sucked having to go into work today instead of my usual *ahem* 'working from home' Friday, I worked productively and the day went quickly.

2. I'm making a fish curry for dinner tonight and think it will be awesome. If it is, I will post the recipe.

3. I need to get my arse to the gym. My fitness programme has stalled somewhat (chest infection + houseguests interrupted it) but I have a few more weeks until I hit NYC so there's still time to drop a few pounds and try and tone up a little.
posted by essexjan 07 September | 13:14
1. Haven't really done much work so far today, kind of tired and blah after last night.

2. Looking forward to going for a run after work. I'm aiming for a 25 minute 5km, which is *fast* for me.

3. Dinner at Daniel tomorrow night, can't wait!
posted by gaspode 07 September | 13:22
Hope you feel better, Elsa!

1. Mr. Baby is still sick. I am on clothing change #3 for the day. I think I'll hit 6 before bedtime.

2. Kindergarten is already driving me crazy. Every day, there's like 40 million papers that need to be signed and sent back. I don't need a 4 page handout to tell me that she needs a smock for art and sneakers for gym. BULLET POINTS, people. SPEAK IN BULLET POINTS!!!

3. I, too, have been gym delinquent due to all the kiddie sickness of the past couple weeks. I haven't even been able to go swimming. My dream is to be hot and toned enough to wear a bikini next summer and make my sisters say really nasty things about me behind my back. (Well, nastier than usual.) Spite is an awesome motivator.
posted by jrossi4r 07 September | 13:52
1. Sore throat and headache.
2. Not fighting off impending cold because it'd be better to have it now than to have it while my mom is in the hospital.
3. Feeling slightly smug and martyrish.
posted by mudpuppie 07 September | 14:36
I need to get my arse to the gym. My fitness programme has stalled somewhat
I wish we lived in the same town, EJ! We could be gym buddies!
posted by kellydamnit 07 September | 15:04
1. Soooo tired. I did both under 1800 calories and a serious workout four days out of the last five, and I think I need to eat a bit more than that today. (I'm in serious losing weight mode and have been for the last few weeks.)

2. Work. Meeting today during which I nearly became comatose. I am comforted by the fact that if all goes well, by this time next year I will be out of here.

3. My son is leaving home. He's off to Europe next Friday for two months, and then moving out when he gets back.

Erm, so, where do I sign up for the compensatory house full of cats?
posted by jokeefe 07 September | 15:11
1. 2 weeks in our new offices downtown and I'm hating the commute since my time has tripled. TRIPLED!

2. Having said that, I do love the energy of being downtown again - so much more to see and do now in terms of shopping, eating and just plain people-watching.

3. My plan was to keep this year's birthday very low-key, i.e. do nothing, but then I got a call out-of-the-blue from a friend who's notorious for not keeping in touch and he wanted to get together for drinks, so a few of us are now now going out tonight for dinner and drinks to unofficially celebrate.
posted by phoenixc 07 September | 15:36
1. party tonight.
2. date tomorrow.
3. apologies in advance to downstairs neighbor for the blasting of Lords of Acid and dancing around like an idiot while I blow off steam until it's time for either.
posted by crush-onastick 07 September | 15:54
1. Just spent over $35 i can't afford for some miracle ointment that just might stop me from living in a state of constant mental discipline as i resist scartching myself to a skinless pulp, which i would be fine with at this point. It would probably scar better.

2. Besides the fact that everyone was running at least an hour late, or i ended up not having to wait for things as they couldn't be done but no one bothered to let me know, or that alarms kept going off wherever i went because every sensor i encountered decided to malfunction, the only people of age who cruised me had visible wedding band tan lines. Color me disgusted.

3. i'd rather beat people with sticks but might just have to somehow legally numb myself instead as it is my only current option. Grrr.

bonus: apparently i attract albinos.
posted by ethylene 07 September | 16:12
I called the cleaners to pick up my laundry (using the basement machines costs the same, but there's no direct tenant elevator to the basement, so I have to schlep it up and down two flights of stairs)and the bags were still in the mailroom when I came in; I don't know if this is the fault of the cleaners or building staff. I hate having to be dependent on them.

My jaw pain has localized under the crown which has given me problems for years---it has now shifted out of place, but I won't be able to see the dentist until Monday.

The spoiled prince thinks it beneath him to change his address (I saw his mail and newspaper in the package room), which made me think he was still here--this makes it easier about the form I need to give my adjacent neighbors though.
posted by brujita 08 September | 02:44
Friday flash fun: Avalanche. || Women who keep getting hotter as they get older: