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06 September 2007

Help me sustain my energy today! I have a long working day ahead of me (at home). What should I eat/drink/do to keep my mental energy up? Assume I have access to an average American kitchen.
First, plenty of water.
posted by bunnyfire 06 September | 09:38
Yes, plenty of water, and no refined anything. . .have an apple every so often between (healthy) meals. Stretch. get out for a short walk every few hours.

Just a touch of caffeine, but not too much.

Oh, wear sunscreen. No wait.
posted by danf 06 September | 09:48
Cold water, that is. Applied to the face at regular intervals.

Nah, bunnyfire's right--I find I have more energy when I drink lots of water, which I rarely do at home (but drink 2-3L/day at work. Go figure.)

Do you have an office-type area at home that you work in? I found that otherwise I'd be constantly distracted by chores/laundry/whatever that needed doing.

On preview, seconding what danf said, too. Unless you're a coffee fiend, in which case...
posted by elizard 06 September | 09:53
One hard-boiled egg.
posted by muddgirl 06 September | 10:09
Save the sugar loading until after 3pm or so, that way you may get the boost, but finish before the crash.
posted by StickyCarpet 06 September | 10:11
Oh and on the caffeine thing, military studies have shown that maximum productivity results from slow constant low-dose caffeine, such as caffeinated chewing gum.
posted by StickyCarpet 06 September | 10:14
Or tea. That was the other thing I was going to say. YMMV, but I find tea much less of a caffeine roller-coaster than coffee. Just try not to finish the second pot by noon.
posted by elizard 06 September | 10:22
I swear I learn something new from you bunnies everyday on this thing. I had no idea there was such a thing as caffeinated chewing gum.

nth-ing the water. And getting up and moving around, even if out to the mailbox and back. Maybe some music you don't normally listen to. And a tablespoon of peanut butter to go with one of those apple snacks.
posted by chewatadistance 06 September | 10:59
And now on a purely speculative note, I've been wondering if replacing all my sucrose, fructose, etc. sugars with pure glucose (only available from beer brewing stores as far as I can tell) would have any benefit on brain function.
posted by StickyCarpet 06 September | 12:13
Jolt Chewing Gum
posted by jason's_planet 06 September | 14:49
Just got my TSO tickets! || I'll always love you Cheez Balls