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05 September 2007

So vewy sweepy . Meet Cici, the abandoned kitty: flickr set.
People do suck at times but others try to take up the slack. I am still trying to catch Bob.
posted by arse_hat 05 September | 00:24
Bob looks adorable! I love grey cats with bright green eyes... and little tiger kitties like Cici.
posted by taz 05 September | 00:27
He is a sweetie taz. I can get about 5 feet from him now. I hope I can grab him and get him to a no kill shelter.
posted by arse_hat 05 September | 00:31
One of my neighbors has some kittens that one of the neighborhood cats had. (The one female that nobody has been able to trap in order to get her spayed.) And every day I come ever closer to adopting the black kitten. Every time I walk by with Binky this black kitten (who I have been calling's always a bad sign when I name something) comes running out at Binky and boxes him and it's so cute I want to die each and every time it happens. (The kittens are well on their way to cathood at this point - probably somewhere between 12-16 weeks.) Ninja isn't the cutest of the lot (there are a couple of torbies that are super cute) but he's just so ROTTEN and funny. And one of my most favorite things in the whole wide world is rotten troublemaker black kittens.

Ninja also boxes my hands. It's super cute. He comes running out and then sits on his ass and reaches up and boxes with his front paws.
posted by fluffy battle kitten 05 September | 00:38
Oh, god, just kill me now.

≡ Click to see image ≡

(this is different kitty)
posted by taz 05 September | 01:32
Okay, that's it. I stop looking at zee kittyness on flickr and go do some work.
posted by taz 05 September | 01:34
This was the first thing I opened today, so quite clearly my day must go downhill from now on.

He's grown into a beautiful cat. I love it when cats sit like this, and either don't realise or don't care that their tongue's sticking out.

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by essexjan 05 September | 02:36
Hee, CiCi all growed up looks a bit like my Kitty.
posted by misskaz 05 September | 08:06
I was in the bodega off my corner (as opposed to the bodega on my corner, where I shop often) picking up some orange juice and a newspaper. As I approached the counter, the large grey cat who had been apparently sleeping stood on his hind legs just as I passed and batted at the back of my leg three times, then, still on his hind legs, hopped a few steps before inchworming back to his post by the 50¢ cookies.

"He does that all the time," the counterman said. "Doesn't mean anything."
posted by Hugh Janus 05 September | 08:19
Man, I'm glad you people have all the cats. That way, they can't live at my house.
posted by chuckdarwin 05 September | 09:09
Man, it's been a long time since I've had a kitten. They sure are cute, but they also smell worse than adult cats.
posted by Citizen Premier 05 September | 18:26
Awesome cute, Cici! I love kittens. My boy cat was 5 weeks old when we adopted him with mites, fleas, worms, and a slightly feral sensibility. 10-years later and he bites me when I give him medicine, sticks his whiskers up my nose while I try to sleep, sleeps on my feet during the winter, gives me cute kitty kisses on my cheeks, and greets me everyday when I come home. If it wasn't for my rule of one pet per lap, we'd likely have a menagerie.
posted by Cinnamon 06 September | 00:08
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