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05 September 2007

So, is anyone lusting after the new iPod touch? [More:]Personally, I can't believe what they did to the Nano. What an ugly POS.
It certainly is pretty, but the lack of storage space means I'll pass for now. My 2gen nano needs replacing, but at this point I think I'll go with a classic.
posted by jjb 05 September | 17:39
I just gave my daughter an 8G nano on saturday.

I'm not bitter, though.
posted by danf 05 September | 17:48
Yeah, I bought an 8G Nano a couple of months ago. As I saw my mother's (!!) Sandisk, I furiously wished my Nano also had video, but now I'm glad I didn't wait, because I really wouldn't want what digg has already dubbed a "fatty."
posted by desjardins 05 September | 17:53
Maybe I'm biased, but I think the 2g Nano is still the best-looking iPod ever.
posted by box 05 September | 17:55
I still have no desire to own iAnything. I'm looking at getting a Treo for my next phone, with 8GB+ SD cards full of music when I want to kill my only phone's battery. I've been playing music on a computer for too long to use anything less than a stylus and/or keyboard for controlling my playback experience. Scroll through tracks? No wai.
posted by Eideteker 05 September | 18:11
It's an iPhone for people who don't want a contract with AT&T, right?
posted by wendell 05 September | 18:30
Also Steve Jobs spent time explaining that it only costs 99 cents to create a ringtone from music you already own.
That's a fucking disgrace.
posted by seanyboy 05 September | 18:32
I am positively tingling with schadenfreunde about the fact that Apple cut its iphone price from $600 to $400.
posted by deadcowdan 05 September | 19:52
Stop iTouching your iSelf.
posted by jonmc 05 September | 19:59
Perhaps I am unedumacted in these things, but how does the ipod with wifi work? Is it the same way my laptop with wifi works, in that I have to log onto a network?

If so, then how is that different from the way the iphone accesses the internet? Doesn't the iphone access the web through satellite, or is it wifi too?

I guess what I'm really asking is whether you have to pay for internet access with the ipod (a data plan?), or whether you just have to find a wifi network to log into.

Also, I'd really love an all-in-one device to replace my palm pilot and my cell phone. I lust after the iphone but am not sure if they're worth it.
posted by Brittanie 05 September | 20:19
I think an iPhone Touch will be pretty excellent for traveling and using the free wifi that most airports have now. Since I will have a blackberry for work, I have no need for the phone parts of the iPhone.

I wish they would put the higher capacity hard drive in it though.
posted by mullacc 05 September | 20:22
er, iPod Touch.
posted by mullacc 05 September | 20:23
Looks neat but my three year old Mini is still working fine.
posted by octothorpe 05 September | 20:37
I guess what I'm really asking is whether you have to pay for internet access with the ipod (a data plan?), or whether you just have to find a wifi network to log into.

Standard wi-fi, just like a laptop. The iPhone can also use the cell network to access the internet when it's away from wi-fi. The iPod touch can't.
posted by cillit bang 05 September | 21:35
Grr, I just bought a new iPod 4 months ago.
posted by matildaben 05 September | 22:31
I remain podless, mostly because I don't want to shell out multiple hundreds of dollars for something I will surely drop and break within six months of purchase.
posted by bmarkey 05 September | 22:34
bmarkey, iPods have a very good one-year warranty. They actually replaced mine after one year and two months after it failed inexplicably. Just, you know, for the record.
posted by mudpuppie 05 September | 22:48
Oh god don't tell me stuff like that. Now I'll just want to get one.
posted by bmarkey 05 September | 22:56
I just want you to be happppppy.
posted by mudpuppie 05 September | 23:24
If you really wanted me to be happy, you'd buy me one.
posted by bmarkey 05 September | 23:51
I don't own an iPod, nor do I have any desire to. I used to use a CD Walkman on my journey to work but it distracted me from my reading.
posted by essexjan 06 September | 02:14

also, the new nano looks great imo. it has video on it! think i will probably get that but play with the iTouch in the store a bit.

new apple store in glasgow!! :) it is the awesome.
posted by By the Grace of God 06 September | 07:21
I just reached capacity on my 60GB non-ipod MP3 player last week, and am now wondering what I'm going to do till someone comes out with a non-ipod that's a least 120GB. :(
posted by BoringPostcards 06 September | 08:11
I own an iRiver, but lost it. I try to avoid listening to music with headphones too much though because I have hearing damage from playing the rock music.

It's depressing to have to ask people to repeat themselves and lean in closer when you're only 28.
posted by drezdn 06 September | 09:36
Depressing, indeed. I have a friend who suffered progressive hearing loss in his late twenties and found himself feeling dissociated and unhappy almost all the time. Conversations, even one-on-one, would be hard for him to follow, which was frustrating, and he wondered why he couldn't seem to pay attention to anything anyone was saying. He eventually moved away, thinking his life in the city was making him unhappy, but when country life suited him no better, he sought help. The counselor he visited sussed out the problem in one session, and referred him to an otologist. Now he wears a hearing aid, always sits to the left of his interlocutor, and speaks up when he can't hear. He's back to being his old self and it's such a blessing to have him back.

The same thing happened with my mom, but not until she was over fifty. If you're reluctant to get a hearing aid out of vanity (for lack of a better word, not meant as a criticism), think twice: other people are unlikely to care if you have a plug in your ear, but if you can't follow their conversation and they don't know why, they'll fill in their own blanks and maybe think you're crazy, or rude, or dumb.

I'm sure you've heard this before. On the plus side, you can turn off a hearing aid when you're sitting at a cafe near noisy high schoolers or puling babies or arguing couples. My mom describes that aspect of her hearing loss in one word: bliss.
posted by Hugh Janus 06 September | 09:52
To continue Hugh's derail:

I have pretty profound hearing loss. . .congenital. I coped, until I got into a job that had a lot of meetings and conversations. My employer decided that it was a good investment for me to get hearing aids. They are NEVER covered by insurance. . Never.

Mine are about 10 years old and cost $1800 @ back then. Not cheap, but my quality of life is so much better. I think I look dorky in them, but I'll take the tradeoff, and I have a lot of people asking about them, getting advice, etc.
posted by danf 06 September | 10:31
Also Steve Jobs spent time explaining that it only costs 99 cents to create a ringtone from music you already own.
That's a fucking disgrace

What? Wow - a ring tone lasts 20 seconds. Find something you want to use on CD, bung it it iTunes and set the start and end time and then import it as an MP3. After that Bluetooth it to your phone and then you've got a free ringtone. At least that I what I've done with my Nokia and it works a treat.

And, yes, the new Nano looks horrible. And until the iTouch has 80g+ or storage, I'm not getting one.
posted by TheDonF 06 September | 12:29
Got the iPhone yesterday after the price drop. So worth it. Posting from it now.
posted by sourwookie 06 September | 14:19
Aw shit you can post here from an iPhone but not from a BlackBerry? TEH SUXXOR!
posted by Hugh Janus 06 September | 14:33
They broke the Nano with the new shape, I think. I love the look of the touch, but it doesn't have anywhere near enough storage space. I'll stick with my scratched, dented, 20GB 4G for the foreseeable future, thanks.
posted by dg 06 September | 17:15
Maybe they tweaked the new video iPoD to make it look wonky-ass so more people would gravitate towards the new Touchy one.

I myself am stoked I didn't buy the 80 gig iPOD last week. Now it's as affordable as the 40 gig one and as for the new 160Gig model - who in God's name has 40,000 songs they need at the drop of the hat?

Okay: I know the answer. All of us..all of us...all of us....

But for now - fuck yeah, I'll take an 80 gig model for 250, Alex. Peace.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 06 September | 19:05
For everyone who loves those non-scientific "news" stories || Did she really say that?!? o_O