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Comment Feed:


05 September 2007

Anybody watch Big Brother 8? (possible spoilers) Man, I love that show. [More:]

Which is galling, really, because I'm a complete snob, especially when it comes to television.

But I just love the ridiculous undercutting and the silly "Ooh! ooh! I can't believe you would lie to me, that's so evil;" come on Jameka, this is a game where the point is to sneak and trick your way to a grand prize, plus it was side-splittingly hilarious when Eric mimicked Dick last night.

You always knew I was a tool. Now you know I'm a tool who watches Big Brother 8. (Last season, I watched the second half of BB All-Stars; the hook was set, now I'm in the ice chest with the bait and the cheap beer).
you are not a tool. if i weren't already taken i would be chasing you, drinking beer and watching bb with you!
posted by By the Grace of God 05 September | 07:54
Aw shucks, By the Grace of God; we could watch BB8 without all that chasing hither and thither, really. Taken or not. Thanks for the blush though. You made my morning.

Also I should point out to whomever might be in control of these things, a thread on a popular TV show like this has great potential for SPOILERS so however that magic blacking-out-of-comments works, it might be good to deploy it. Unless this thread fizzles for lack of interest, proving the rest of you have refined your televisioning in different ways than BTGOG and me.
posted by Hugh Janus 05 September | 08:07
Just put the word "spoilers" in the title section, and comments will be blacked out in Recent Comments.
posted by taz 05 September | 08:12
Cool, thanks, taz.

Poor America's Player! He'll never win, since all the folks who've been tricked off the show by his seemingly random ploys will be itching to vote him out.

Me, I like Dick and Danielle, but I think dark horse Zach may be in the running now.
posted by Hugh Janus 05 September | 08:29
Is that the American one?

I'm not a violent person, and I don't think that any human life is worthless... but, um, I want fucking MURDER everyone on the British BB. Especially all the cocksucking motherfuckers over at Endemol, who produce this turd.

I hear that they have cancelled the Celebrity version because the public outcry after the last one was so massive.
posted by chuckdarwin 05 September | 09:03
Yep, the American one.

Everyone on the show is despicable in some way, but everyone on the show is likeable in some way, too. One can tell the producers are constantly stirring shit up between the contestants, but that's part of the joy of it: watching these people, none of whom I would likely befriend IRL, as they put the screws to one another and commit gaffe after gaffe, makes me squirm and giggle in a way I thought I'd forgotten. Now that it's been on for eight seasons, the pool of contestants is savvy about the game, so they play better, and the producers know how to spice the game up, which they do at every turn.

On last night's show, all-time veto challenge winner Janelle (BB6 & BBAll-Star) showed up to host the veto challenge. She was hidden behind a wall, and her face appeared on a screen. Eric (America's player) didn't recognize her; when everyone else cried, "Janelle! I love her!" he said, "She looks like Miss Piggy!" Which of course, was a giant foot for him to swallow when she came out of hiding.

Why do I get off watching these fools embarrass themselves and each other? Because my TV tells me to? Because I'm a vicious pervert? Because I'm bored? No, though all these things are true, I think it's probably just good TV; many people watch for many different reasons.
posted by Hugh Janus 05 September | 09:38
The British version is far worse, and it's actually broadcast 24/7.


I'll never get over that.
posted by chuckdarwin 05 September | 10:34
Yeah, they have some kind of live internet feed and cable channel for the US version, I guess it's there to encourage stalkers, but I'd never watch that. I get enough BB8 Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays (just kidding, I tape).
posted by Hugh Janus 05 September | 10:37
Well the thing about the live feeds is that they show the difference between what really happens and what the producers want you to think. (I don't subscribe to them, but some of the more memorable stuff shows up on the gossip sites and youtube.)

Amber, for example, went on a nasty anti-semitic rant that never got acknowledged on the show. And Dick, who is portrayed as a bit salty yet colorful, told Jen at one point that he hated her so much that he wanted to rape her until she bleeds and that he'd make her choke on his c*ck.

BB6 was my favorite. Janelle and Kaysar. Hurricane Howie making fun of the Nerd Herd. Good times.
posted by jrossi4r 05 September | 11:45
I love it too, Hugh. Last night I found myself rooting for Eric which pissed Ted off. I wanted them to win the power of veto and for Dick, Daniele, Eric and Jessica to make it to the final four. I think they really got me with that clever "America's Player" BS. I mean, there is nothing redeeming about Eric at all and watching him make any attempts towards intimacy actually has me recoiling from the screen. I watched "Tell Me You Love Me" (new show on HBO) which is essentially porn with no reaction at all.

That said - Eric kissing Jess makes me ill.

posted by Lola_G 05 September | 11:53
Yeah, you can tell they cleanse Dick's personality for the broadcasts, and his sexual harrassment of Dustin would've gotten him kicked off if it were a girl he'd targeted. And I can't imagine watching Amber cry 24-7, even if skipping it meant I missed her calling Eric a bony-fingered golem.

I didn't start watching until All-Stars, but Janelle was awesome then and the very mention of the word "Chilltown" has me in stitches.

On preview, I would feel for Eric's plight if he weren't such a creep; I was rooting for Daniele to take Jameka off and put up Eric and Jessica just to fuck things up (also because sending home Eric or Jessica and breaking up that alliance would've been the right thing at the right time for D&D; now, they'll have a tougher time as the game goes on). I hope USAmerica tells Eric to try to boot Jessica next episode. If he does it, he's scum, but he's America's Scum. I like when it's as difficult and unpleasant as possible for all the players.

Also, I'd love to be a casino if Jameka came visiting. You'd make a mint off her impulsiveness. The way she gambled away her HOH chances and slop-eating in that one competition? Why, Jameka, why? C'mon, hon, the 410's gotta represent better than that!
posted by Hugh Janus 05 September | 12:04
the very mention of the word "Chilltown" has me in stitches.

As does the phrase "Mike Boogie." Although, I hate him. I love me some evil Dr. Will, though.

Jameka was my early call to take it all. She seemed to be playing the "fly under the radar" strategy pretty well. Oh well. At least Amber's gone. I can't decide which is my favorite Amber moment...her deluded plan to go into modelling or the time she ended one of her conversations with the almighty with "god bless you, god!"
posted by jrossi4r 05 September | 12:39
Luuuuuuv BB. Luuuuuuuuuv Jedi Janey! This season, I do like Dick and Danielle, though it'd be cool with me if Zach or Jess wins.

Eric . . . I go back and forth on. He can be downright hilarious (mimicing Dick last night), but other times he comes off as such a weasel.
posted by tr33hggr 05 September | 13:19
I don't like Jameka at all. The idea that someone would go on that show and judge other people for lying and scheming galls me. The whole point of the game is to make and break alliances, and playing an "honest game" is a surefire way to lose, but it's a kind of losing that allows the loser to hold onto a moral ground that doesn't exist. So accusing others of not playing fair is, in my view, the only way not to play fair, since "playing fair" isn't part of the game at all.

And Amber getting God and becoming pious and preachy as a way of gluing herself to Jameka was as scuzzy as anything Dick's done. "God bless you, God," was great, though, you're right, and without Amber around to say it, we'd a never heard it.

I also busted a gut when Eric, after Amber and Danielle came back from the Power of 10 taping, said, "Yeah! You guys got to be on TV!"
posted by Hugh Janus 05 September | 13:37
I watched one season sometime back, can't remember whether it was seven, six, five... I promised the priest never again.

(I am, however, looking forward to Survivor, China. And I did watch Age of Love. No amount of Hail Mary's cleanses that.)
posted by Pips 05 September | 17:35
I am, however, looking forward to Survivor, China

I'd prefer Survivor: Baghdad, myself. Kill two birds with one stone.
posted by jonmc 05 September | 18:43
I've seen Big Brother (it's one of my crazy ex's favorite shows) but haven't got near it since I was paid to write this in 2004.

Some of my best snark.
"About a dozen celebrity wannabes move into a small house with a very big electric bill to try to take over a major television network."
"the mutant brainchild"
"“troubled“ (a kind way of saying “nearly disastrous“)"
"creator of “Rescue 911” as Emergency Show Doctor"
"PB&J is the most telling symbol of how Big Brother is the least grueling and least dangerous competition of its kind."
"a not-very-probing interview host Julie Chen did for her day job, CBS’s “Early Show,”"
"its rules are already more complicated than a mobile phone contract"
"last year’s awkwardly named Golden Veto, which tried to add more power to the Veto in the same way Tim Allen installed a jet engine in a lawn mower."
"The biggest surprise would be if the show found any players “with a pure and open heart.”"
"“recent college graduate” (in other words, he applied for reality shows instead of going to job interviews)"
"this year’s Token Black Guy" ... "the Token Old Guy" ... "Used “(wink, wink)” in his profile. Not directly stated, but obviously the Token Gay Guy."
"the producers hired a mime to stay in the house for a day and annoy the remaining contestants. They knew they had a problem when the mime became the house’s most popular resident."
posted by wendell 05 September | 19:03
three point status update, now with CAFFEINE! || Check out my sweet moves!