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04 September 2007

Mystery book from my childhood — can you name it? I think of this book often, but over the past week it's been torturing me that I can't remember the name. I'd like to read it again. [More:]

It's a young adult novel, divided into three sections set across three generations of the same family. The first part takes place in the 1940s or ’50s and involves a romance between two high school kids of very different social status. The girl is poor, and an outcast, and key moments I remember from this section are the other girls being scandalized by the fact that she smokes and also the exchange of love letters between the couple that include the poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay.

I don’t remember much about the second part, except that perhaps the girl from the first section got pregnant accidentally and the section section is the story of her child. The third section is the story of the grandchild, a teenage boy (in the 1980s?) who’s father barely speaks to him because he is traveling with some musicians or something. The important thing I remember from this part of the book is that his father, over the phone in some far-away place, tells him the story of how Paul McCartney couldn’t think of a name for the song “Yesterday” and so he originally titled it “Scrambled Eggs.”
I don't know the answer, but AskMe is great for this kind of thing. You'd probably get an answer within the day.
posted by Miko 04 September | 08:07
Alas, I have already used my weekly question, but I can ask tomorrow.
posted by Brittanie 04 September | 08:32
I don't know the book, but the Paul McCartney story is (sorta) true. Paul (as do many songwriters) often wrote the music accompaniment and melodies to songs before writing any lyrics, using crazy words in the interim just to get the feel.

Sometimes, however, the crazy words end up in the finished song.
posted by mischief 04 September | 09:42
When was it written, or how old were you when you read it?
posted by iconomy 04 September | 09:56
I have no idea when it was written, but I read it in junior high, which would have been the early 1990s. I checked it out of the Oklahoma City public library system.
posted by Brittanie 04 September | 10:00
What you're describing sounds a lot like M E Kerr's I Stay Near You... It's been a while since I read it too, but I don't remember Mildred smoking.

Stark House Press has reprinted several of her Vin Packer pulps and The Feminist Press has come out with new editions of her 50's era lesbian nonfiction written under the name Ann Aldrich. She's also written a memoir about her relationship with Patricia Highsmith under her real name Marijane Meaker.
posted by brujita 04 September | 11:00
Wow, brujita, "I Stay Near You" is it. I knew almost for sure when I recognized the name M.E. Kerr, but I just looked up the title and that's it. I didn't remember anything about the ring, but now I can read the book again. Thanks!
posted by Brittanie 04 September | 17:11
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