Really down. Because, what's really needed here is some self indulgent nonsense.
→[More:] So I had a back ache which managed to turn itself over a couple of days to a back and severe chest ache. And I looked it up on the NHS Direct website and the site told me to call an ambulance NOW. But I didn't because it had been coming on over the last few days and I didn't want to bother anyone. Booked myself in for an appointment at the docs and even with the weird asymmetry of my stomach and the fact I sweat so easily and all the stuff mentioned above the doc said there was probably nothing wrong, but he's set me up for a chest XRay and some blood tests. And right now, I'm terrified that thanks to my overweightedness and my drinking and my smoking and my appalling diet that I've got either lung cancer or diabetes or a failing liver or dodgy kidneys or I'm on the point of a heart attack. It's all most likely hypochondria, but right now all I can think about is how I've managed to fuck it all up and let everyone down. My girlfriend doesn't deserve this and my friends don't deserve this. All I want to do is cry. I'm feeling useless and impotent. But mostly useless.