Another Damn Decemberists Post Random stuff from last night's Portland Show
1. Among the reasons they (the band) gave for the fact they are glad to be home for awhile is
Stumptown Coffee. As is our wont, we hit it on the way out there yesterday.
2. Per chance we sat by a large group of the band's family and friends, including the keyboard player's octogenarian (see seemed that old) childhood piano teacher. She dedicated
this song to her and then apologized for the gruesomeness. (Culling of the Fold*, a "b" track on the new CD.) The teacher seemed delighted.
3. Mcmenniman's Edgefield is a groovy place for music. It was packed, but well-run and good-vibey.
4. It's painful driving over 100 miles home late and night and then getting up and going to work early.
got this from iTunes Plus, allegedly DRM-free. Caveat Emptor.