Odd blog comments Do you get these kinds of comments on your blog? I don't think they're spam.
I write a consumer-oriented blog (think a little bit Consumerist) and I get dumb comments. For example, I wrote about my "customer service" experience at a Burger King, and I got a comment saying "I was in your store the other day...yadda yadda bad experience...yadda yadda your company had better fix it now."
I wrote a post on PBS's Everyday Food show, and got a comment saying "I watch your show every week, I'm trying to find this recipe you did, keep up the great work!"
I've tried e-mailing a couple of these people, saying "I don't work there/make that show" but never get a reply. Are these spam (they never include links) or are they really that dumb? (Never underestimate the stupidity of noobs on the Internet.)
Should I leave the comments there, with no reply? Should I reply with another comment saying I don't work at that place? Or should I delete the comments?