Hybrid SUVs: Slightly less evil? Still evil? A little bit good? I need your opinions.
It's time for mr. rossi to get a new car. After much research, we're leaning toward a Toyota Highlander Hybrid. We really want to support hybrid technology, but the mister is too effing huge to fit in a teeny tiny model. The Highlander gets better mileage than both my teeny Mazda or the VW Passat we currently own. Plus--and this is a big one for me--if we get the third row seat, I can actually participate in carpools. (It's just short of impossible to squeeze another carseat in the Mazda. Slightly easier in the VW, but we can still only take one more kid.)
On the other hand, it's still an SUV. Still bigger than absolutely necessary. Still a danger to the smaller cars on the road. Still the type of car I didn't ever want to own.
Or is it? Does its hybridness override its SUVness? Hit me with your opinions, people! Don't hold back. I can take it.