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05 July 2007

"I just want to put this behind me and get on with my life," he said.
posted by qvantamon 05 July | 18:55
A few weeks ago I was at a chi-chi restaurant in Napa. This group of young, well-dressed, sorority-type girls in sunhats (you know, Napa types) was standing in front of us, waiting for a table. The woman with her back to me was wearing a long black skirt and heels. I noticed that the back of her skirt had a button on it in a funny place -- sort of off-center, about 6 inches below her ass. Now, I'm not at all fashion savvy, so I mostly just contemplated why such a style would be marketed in the first place.

And then, when I looked closer, I noticed that it was a Cheerio.

Leaned over to my date and quietly said, "That woman has a Cheerio stuck to her butt." Laughed about it for the rest of the day.
posted by mudpuppie 05 July | 18:55
I got a tick once, in college. Frightening. My RA had grown up in a family that ran a summer camp, so I just ran to her KELLY KELLY GET IT OFF ME AHHHHHHHHH. I promptly swore to myself I would never go out into nature again. Shortly thereafter, I moved to NYC and have so far made good on my promise :-D
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 July | 19:02
I can count the days in summer that I DO NOT find a tick on me on one hand.
once, in college

Oh you silly city folk. They don't freak me out too bad, although I did pull a deer tick off Mr. Baby at the park the other day. I've known a bunch of people who've had Lyme Disease, so that frightened me a bit.
posted by jrossi4r 05 July | 19:20
The one positive thing I can say about ticks is they're not as bad as leeches. BBLLLLEEERRRGGGHHHHHHH.
posted by kat allison 05 July | 19:49
Ticks squick me out. They're just so dang creepy. Whenever I pull one off me (about once or twice a year), for a week every time I feel a hair shift, I freak and look for more ticks. Gah.
posted by plinth 05 July | 20:08
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Otis 05 July | 20:42
Fucker has ruined it for those of us who like to innocently groom our fellow primates.

I actually once tried to pluck a long blonde hair off the dark coat of a woman waiting at a corner in NYC. She turned around just as I was about to gently grab it. I turned all shades of red, pretended I thought she was a friend whose shoulder I was tapping. Sure as hell cured me of that form of OCD.
posted by rob511 05 July | 21:01
He said, "Oh no, it was my pleasure."

posted by trondant 05 July | 23:51
Dang! Otis beat me to it. Gummi Venus De Milo, mmmmm
posted by TheDonF 06 July | 02:33
OMG Bunny! || I can haz hugz please? (This is a mopey thread.)