Let's play SCRUPLES. Subject: my life →[More:]
This is going to be a weird one, so bear with me.
First of all, I am 32, despite my 12-year-old-boy-crazy mentality.
I am interested in a guy. Let's call him X. I am not very close to X. but we have met through friends, and are corresponding and we have some similar strong interests.
Here's the complicated part. Another guy, a straight male friend, Y., told me something very personal about X. a long time ago. It had to do with X's intimate proclivities and X. and Y.'s past relationship, in which there has been some... intrigue.
Besides the fact that this piece of information kind of turns my crank, so to speak, it feels SO WEIRD knowing something so personal about X. while I'm attempting to court him (ostensibly as an acquaintance who would not typically know such things.)
I like him for good reasons, and what I know is not driving this nor is it hindering it, but I feel WEIRD. And I got thinking today that at some point I am going to have to tell him that I know this really intimate thing about him, "but don't worry, I think it's super hot."
Should I keep my damn mouth shut until (if) we start becoming involved? Or should I say straight out, "Y. told me this a long time ago in confidence, and it's definitely cool, but I didn't want to keep it secret from you that I know"?