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Comment Feed:


30 May 2007

Pippy the begging cat. Pippy sees something and wants it. It doesn't matter what it is. If Pippy sees it, he just has to have it.
At first I was all "Meh. Of course the cat is begging, Moran, you're offering it food."

Then it got funny.
posted by mudpuppie 30 May | 12:06
I love how the cat is genuinely interested in whatever the object is.
posted by Specklet 30 May | 12:16
Pippy is probably the most stupid cat ever born. He gives cunning, clever cats everywhere a bad name.
posted by essexjan 30 May | 12:36
This one is great, too. Poor Pippy.
posted by taz 30 May | 12:36
Thank you, Pippy, for showing me that I do not own the dumbest cat on earth.
posted by mudpuppie 30 May | 12:40
In the link that taz posted there's the most beautiful slow-mo capture of Pippy in mid-air.

At one point, Pippy almost catches on and gives his owner this 'you fucker' look but within a nanosecond he's forgotten it's all a cruel trick designed to expose his stupidity and is off again.

Lovely music too - Chopin's 'Minute Waltz', which I used to be able to play rather well, but I suspect probably chrismear is the only MeChatter able to do it justice.
posted by essexjan 30 May | 12:48
Poor Pippy, his mommy cat dropped him on his head and now his brain's broken.
posted by Luminous Phenomena 30 May | 13:09
hey, at least Pippy gets the idea of trajectories - he looks at where the object would be, had it been thrown. My parents' cat (RIP aged 18.5) never grasped that, and would stare at your hand after the object had gone.
posted by altolinguistic 30 May | 13:19
If you don't mind it lasting two minutes, I can play the Chopin...
posted by altolinguistic 30 May | 13:19
I have to disagree with you somewhat, alto. Pippy was looking in the kitchen a couple times when the trajectory was clearly down the hall.
posted by Specklet 30 May | 13:47
hey, at least Pippy gets the idea of trajectories - he looks at where the object would be, had it been thrown.

And then it's not there, so he looks at the wall in the hallway, assumes the object must have flown through it, and runs into the kitchen.

I guess that's it's own kind of 'spatial' smart, but still....

(When I pretend to throw things for my cats and they stare at my hand, I figure they're just telling me I'm an idiot.)
posted by mudpuppie 30 May | 14:58
When I pretend to throw things, my gliders go for my eyes.
posted by Specklet 30 May | 15:59
This cat is waaaaay smarter than my cat, who resembles mentally and physically one of those things a few years back, the prickly household things you could get at the stores, where you could wipe your shoes on them when you come in the house? Like, a hedgehog stone with bristles on it? Yeah.
posted by rainbaby 31 May | 02:21
ah, point taken Specklet, I didn't spot that.
posted by altolinguistic 31 May | 04:41
When I pretend to throw things for my cats and they stare at my hand, I figure they're just telling me I'm an idiot.

That's exactly how my cat used to react to a laser pointer. "Who are you trying to kid? That's just a beam of light!"
posted by tangerine 31 May | 13:42
Stupid nature question: Do you need a rooster to get an egg from a hen? || Duck potato!