Googlenope A Main-Stream-Media writer wasted some space in the Washington Post with a collection of phrases for which Googling brings NO results (except the column he just published): "Varsity pinochle." "Jesus loves you for your money." "Plush Osama doll." "Moishe Goebbels." "Hot cheese sundae." "The yodeling librarian." "George W. Bush's subtlety." "My grandchildren are so ugly."
That's an easy game to play...
Here are mine:
"Dr. Strangelove trilogy"
"Memorial Day fasting"
"Angus MacGyver Burger"
"ACLU member in the Bush White House" (shooting fish in a barrel)
"When Osama Met Obama"
"The algorithm invented the internet" (stop and think about that one for a moment)
"braiding hamsters" (which actually did come up in irc last night - good thing Google doesn't index those)
and oh yeah,
"work ethic of a Washington Post columnist"