I think I have appendicitis. How can I know for sure? And what can I do about it?
I felt a slight pain—more of an ache, really—on my right side, a few inches over from my belly button. I felt around and it's pretty local to where I imagine my appendix would be. It's not bad, but I am worried because my health insurance won't kick in for another 45 days at my new job. I don't really think I can afford a doctor at this point, and I certainly can't afford surgery.
Maybe the pain will go away tomorrow (I can barely feel it now) and it'll be nothing, but I figure if there's anything I can do to nip this in the bud, I'm better off asking sooner. I've read appendicitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection, and if I have it, I think I've caught it pretty early. So is there anything I can take for it, from an old home remedy to over-the-counter antibiotics (do they make those?)? If my appendix is going to have to come out, I want it to wait til July 1st, dammit. At the very least, I'd like to delay the inevitable.
Thanks for your help.