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10 May 2007
Letter to the editor in which a landscaper defends his wearing of a silk skirt and red panties while doing yardwork. This ran in my local paper this week.
In theory that's true, LF, but ask yourself this: would you a date a guy who did that? or if you had a son that did that, would you be troubled about it?
(I'm firmly in favor of people wearing whatever they want as well, I'm just saying that it's foolish to deny that we have reactions to such things)
It is also well known by almost everyone that I have to wear nylon underwear, which is almost always red, when I am cutting grass.
I'm thinking of getting this as a tattoo. Does it mean what I think it does? That everybody knows me and cares about me. That everybody knows I'm a freak. I want the world to know. I want to pass it on.
singing in Eddie Murphy voice: *Jaaaaay-man, you don't have to put on the red panties*
Poor guy. People hate that genderbending stuff (wearing typically "male" or "female" clothing, if you are the other sex) except in a few, select locales. But still, if everyone from Clinton to Baton Rouge didn't know it before, they certainly do now. Also, they might have been a bit freaked about the skirt, but (speaking as a longtime skirt-wearer) they mostly didn't need to see the red panties unless he was riding his zero-turning radius lawnmower, or bending over while shopping, a bit too vigorously, so there's that exhibitionism thing that might make the issue go a bit from eyebrow-raising to reporting-to-the-police in a lot of places.
Oddly, it seems hated much more from males. A woman dressed in 'masculine' clothes is barely noticed or even considered attractive. A guy dressing 'feminine' makes people go apeshit. Just an observation.
So right, jon. I thought about refining that observation, but was just too lazy. Still, a female who is not slim and young, who's really dressed butch does, fairly dependably, skeeve (a lot of typical) people out.
Guys in skirts are so hot... but it depends on the look; a guy who wants to appear feminine doesn't do it for me, personally, but kilt guys and manskirt guys... woowoo!
w/r/t this guy's underwear - so why does it "have" to be red? I am sure nylon underwear is made in many colors.
Maybe I don't want to know this answer.
He may not be doing anything illegal, but that still doesn't mean people want to see exhibitionism. It's not the skirt-wearing that would get to me, it would be seeing him 'accidentally' show off the red undies. I wear a skirt to work now and then (it's true it's the coolest thing you can wear in hot weather), and even work outdoors a little most days, and you know, you just need to master the art of skirt wearing so that you aren't flashing people. It might not be illegal to show my underwear but it's pretty much unacceptable.
Also, silk? Silk isn't a cool fiber to wear in hot weather. It's very light but it's an insulator. He'd be way better off with a light cotton mini cut just above the knee.
Yep, it does sound, from his own letter, as though he's a determined exhibitionist, and a woman showing off her undies a little too baldly (accidental pun! [NOT BRITNEYSPEARIST]) will also be reported/complained-or-talked about in most places, though not quite as soon as a cross-dressing guy, I venture to guess.
I honestly have no problem with guys wearing skirts, even if it was my son or bf but I guess it would depend most on the motive behind it. For my son, the motive would matter less to me than the bf. With the bf I would wonder if he would leave me for another guy at some point. If he was doing it just to get a rise out of people then I wouldn't really have a problem. Totally depends on circumstances though.
FWIW, there's a guy in my town who wears "man skirts", kilts and these canvas-looking dealies. And the engineering frosh week leaders wear kilts and army boots, sort of they're uniform. They really are cooler in the summer, maybe all guys should try it.
So....I've actually got a picture of this guy doing some yardwork in a small skirt. He was working in the yard across from my funeral home yesterday. He's much older than you'd expect, at least in his fifties. He's also wearing ankle socks and some sort of ladies' loafer.
I find myself compelled to post the picture to Flickr, but I'm unwilling to, because...well, it seems exploitive. The article in the paper is one thing...that was his public choice. But It's not my intention to shame this guy (I don't know him personally, but I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about him besides his transvestitism.)
I'm all for the wearing of skirts by men...seems like it would be comfortable. Especially for taking a piss at Mardi Gras. Or for bead acquisition.
Anyway, I think I'll keep the picture to myself. Your mental images are probably better anyway.
You are a good guy, ColdChef, and you've made the right decision. I kiss you.
Hey, let's be honest, sometimes even in shorts the legs-spread results in some unexpected surprises. You know, escapees.
Exactly. It happens accidentally, and, for real, any guy who really wants to show off his balls/dick in a public place will find a way to do it - he doesn't have to wear a skirt. In fact, a skirt is going to make a lot more of a challenge than a lot of loose-leg shorts/swim trunks. I've seen my share of unintended(?) views of male junk, and none of them were wearing a skirt.
Dancing and spinning loincloth guy could become the new Star Wars kid! The tubes are hungry for your dancing and spinning loincloth guy! We, the community, beg of you, don't let lack of a scanner stand between him and his destiny.
Just ignore philomathoholic and his outmoded, highfalutin ideas of intellectual stimulation
I understand and respect your decision about posting the photo, ColdChef. I'm not sure I agree with it though. He doesn't seem ashamed of himself, so why should you be ashamed for him?