A miserable long bitching thread - apologies.. Overly intense boss being incresibly hard on me yesterday. I smiled and listened and didn't show stress.. it just made me sick inside. Does the world want me to be sick?
Answer this question folks. What are we, dead nothings in the world? Are we supposed to suck it up? be silent? suffer silently? Is that what I am supposed to be doing? Does nobody in the world (including my better half) really know me or understand me? Are we supposed to bow our heads and accept feeling miserable until we don't feel it anymore?
Plus, a scary trip back to the US and Canada. I have to go to Canada because my grandparents are throwing a 60th wedding anniversary and an aunt has just summoned us there. Aunt never writes a how are you or a do you need anything note.. just summons us there.. plus, my father isn't really invited due to his new wife, so I have to go back to the US and see them, too.
I'm just fuckin' scared to go. I don't want to see my family; don't want to pretend, to cover up my tattoos and find things to talk about that aren't about my life (they're not going to want to hear about all my political work and the election etc); don't want to visit my father, either, as his wife's really hostile and weird. Don't want to see my brothers or even my sister; I feel like I'm intruding even when I send a note - they're always too busy and now I write less and less, took them off my buddy lists (they're always too busy) and give them the P.R. version of my life. And I don't want to go to the US and worry about border issues with Better Half or with me, even though I KNOW the chance is small..
Better Half gives me lots of hugs, and tells me stuff will be fine, but I don't think he really understands how bad it feels. He says "It'll be fine" or "I'm looking forward to the trip" and then I'm quiet even to him - who am I to dampen his good time?
I'll keep going because there doesn't seem to be any option to let people know I'm in pain.. there's no disability card I can wave at my boss to tell her that her intense behaviour and her disorganisation is stressing me out; I'll try to see if I am doing OK when I get some sort of official meeting-y chance but worrying about this stuff too much is probably part of the problem so I HAVE TO HIDE EVEN THAT. And I'll go to Canada and then to the US, and if one or the other of us gets stopped I'll ask for help I guess, and the whole family will think I'm purposefully attracting attention to myself.
Maybe you one day at a time people have it?
Maybe I have an excess of self? Maybe there's a parasite on my true self which I need to kill, and then my true self, a much humbler thing that fits better into the world will fit?