Dungeons and Dragons cartoon →[More:]So, via that one-link youtube post on the blue today, I watched a bit of that godawful collection of
80's cartoon intros.
Most of them I hadn't seen before (I was never really into the superhero thing), but I recognized the Dungeons & Dragons intro immediately. Funny thing is, I don't remember watching the show, at all -- but I remember the intro very well.
But wait, the plot thickens. I distinctly remember having what I'd consider (in retrospect) crushes on two of the characters, the manly Hank and the not-so-manly Eric. Not only that -- those two archetypes (manly guy with wavy blond hair, wimpy/geeky tall skinny guy with short black hair) were what most of my adolescent crushes constellated around.
I would have been in the beginning stages of puberty when the show aired, so I guess this all kinda makes sense . . . but 2 questions are plaguing me: 1) why had I forgotten about that show (or at least its intro) until now, when it obviously had a significant impact on my developing psyche , and 2) why don't I actually remember watching any episodes?
As for 1, maybe it's because I was so freaked out about the possibility of being gay (turns out my fears were well-founded) that I blocked out the memory (associating it with freak-out feelings). As for 2, maybe I just liked the intro but wasn't interested in the show . . . ?