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Comment Feed:


17 April 2007

If you don't already own it, the Buffy 40-disc boxed set is on sale in Amazon's gold box today for $98.99.

I'm buying it. Finally. Dude, that's like $2.47475 per disc.
*mouth waters*

Ghaaah. I'm just curbing my spending after blowing a couple hundred on clothes and art supplies (and toys) after getting a pay increase, and you show me this.

*shakes fist at Mike*
posted by shane 17 April | 07:15
It must be BUNNIES!
posted by bunnyfire 17 April | 07:18
I've always been curious about Buffy but have never seen it. Now it sounds so daunting, trying to watch the whole thing (considering I buy movies and then take six months to get around to seeing them). That's a great sale, though.
posted by BoringPostcards 17 April | 07:25
It must be BUNNIES!
posted by bunnyfire 17 April | 07:18

Anya (reformed evil person on Buffy) dressed up in a head-to-toe bunny suit once. Pretty hot.

*mouth waters again*

Ah, I remember the "good old days," having just moved back up here to take care of my sick Mom and my passing-away grandmother, working a grubby manual labor job (assembly-line construction of wall panels) that required athleticism and qualified as torture... This was the bad part, of course. The good part was spending Saturdays too tired, bruised and beaten to move, the perfect excuse to lie in bed all day napping with my kitties and watching all the TV I'd taped during the week. Buffy, X-Files, cool B-TV like Brisco County Jr (with Bruce Campbell) and Xena and Hercules (also w/ Campbell guest-starring), and even fun kitsch like Special Unit 2 (which Sci-Fi network has been rerunning) and Cleopatra 2020. I ♥ Special Unit 2 for several reasons.

B is very good, sometimes.

Buffy is A, really.
posted by shane 17 April | 07:34
BP, I never watched the show while it was on, but during my self-imposed 6 months of time to myself after my separation, I Netflixed every disc from every season. The first season is a bit slow starting out, but once it hits its stride, it is a delightful show. It's dripping with Whedon's style, though, and I know he is for the most part a love him or hate him type of guy.

Now, though, with life as busy as it's gotten... yeah, I'd never be able to get through it. I don't know if I'll ever watch the whole thing again, but for $100, I can't say no.

Anya. Oh, Anya.
posted by mike9322 17 April | 07:36
You will not be sorry. We have it and while we go months without getting it out, we will then go on a Buffy spree. I can't think of any television that's better.

If you watch them all in order, it can be emotionally devastating, once you get to season 6. Episodes like Tabula Rasa or Normal Again are just SO good. . .
posted by danf 17 April | 08:42
I tried a couple episodes and they did nothing for me. It wasn't that it just wasn't the same as the movie since I can usually get over that, more that it lacked the movie's edge.

I'll netflix the Tabula Rasa and Normal Again episodes, maybe they will change my mind.
posted by mischief 17 April | 09:20
"Once More, With Feeling" is on the same disc as "Tabula Rasa". That pretty much makes it the best disc of the 40.
posted by mike9322 17 April | 09:26
I'll netflix the Tabula Rasa and Normal Again episodes, maybe they will change my mind.

I started this thread in AskMe. It's interesting that the person I was referring to rented a few episodes mentioned there (Hush is the consensus pick for a first exposure) and decided it was not her cuppa.

You are not a bad person if you can't get into this show. *smile*. . .
posted by danf 17 April | 09:30
I like the first, oh, 4 seasons, but after that there are only a few good episodes (Once More, With Feeling and Tabula Rasa, mainly). I don't even know if it's worth it to watch the 7th season, since I really disliked the 5th and 6th ones... Is it worth it?

But I think the 3 seasons when they're in high school are so so great. Just great.
posted by muddgirl 17 April | 09:34
danf: I'll give it a chance. I pretty much wrote off television after the mid-90s, so I have most likely missed some actually good stuff. I have liked a lot of Whedon's writing pre-Buffy, but ever since Twin Peaks and especially X-Files, TV series have lost their episodic feel and now storylines span not just multiple shows but across multiple seasons.
posted by mischief 17 April | 09:57
I actually own every season except one. But it's the old packaging, that takes up more space on the shelf. I was gonna move them into pockets anyway. Oh well.
posted by matildaben 17 April | 10:08
GNAAAAH. And I had this $30 Amazon gift certificate just *burning* a hole in my pocket....

I was evil. I was weak. It is MINE!
posted by Fuzzbean 17 April | 10:40
Ya gotta love the high school episodes. And that Whedon destroyed the school at graduation, like he (and most of us) would've liked to. You just know that was his vicarious revenge for being a geek.

There were so many reflections on and metaphors concerning high school, too, like the invisible girl episode.

Was "Actual size" the name of the episode with the "actual size" demon? That rocked as an ending, and again was a metaphor (for personal demons when dealt with.)

And I remember an ep when Buffy had been, I think, jilted, and so she fantasized about being a hero and saving the guy who had jilted her from demons. What geek didn't fantasize about being a hero, especially when feeling alienated by real society?

Great stuff.
posted by shane 17 April | 11:50
Hm. I've seen an episode or two and although they were entertaining (puppet? why the heck is that guy a puppet?!) I haven't had any real desire to watch them. The mister has watched more episodes than I have and really liked them. Today, reading this thread and the AskMe thread, has me wondering if I should buy the series.

I don't know if it matters, but I'm a huge fan of Firefly and Serenity.

Should I?
posted by deborah 17 April | 13:04
deb, Buffy was an acquired taste for me. I, too, discovered Firefly first, and loved it instantly. Buffy took longer for me; in fact, it took just about the entirety of the first season for me to really start to like it. If I hadn't been spending so much time at home at the time, I likely would have given up after a disc or two.

As it turns out, I'm really glad I stuck it out because the show is just great.
posted by mike9322 17 April | 13:08
What's not to love about this dialogue? (played very deadpan)

Riley: "See, I don't know that much about Buffy. But I'm interested in what she likes. And so far, well, the only thing that I know she likes is you."

Willow: "Okay, say that I help. And you start a conversation. It goes great. You like Buffy, she likes you. You spend time together, feelings grow deeper, and one day, without even realizing it, you find you're in love. Time stops, and it feels like the whole world is made for you two, and you two alone. Until the day one of you leaves, and rips the still-beating heart from the other, who's now a broken, hollow, mockery of the human condition."

Riley: "Yep, that's the plan."

Willow: "I figured it was."

Willow: "She likes cheese."
Riley: "What?"
Willow: "Well, I'm not saying it's the key to her heart, but Buffy, she likes cheese."
Riley: "That's a start."

Willow: "Okay, she's wearing the halter-top with the sensible shoes: that means mostly dancing, light contact, but don't push your luck. Heavy conversation's out of the question."

Riley: "So what do I do?"

Willow: "Ask her to dance."

Riley: "Right, dance. Wait, no."

Willow: "What's the matter?"

Riley: "I can't dance."

Willow: "Then, talk. Keep eye contact. Funny is good, but don't be glib. And remember, if you hurt her, I will beat you to death with a shovel. A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Have fun!"
posted by danf 17 April | 13:16
Just bought it. Thanks for the heads-up!
posted by eamondaly 17 April | 15:18
And I missed out on it. Bloody hell.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 17 April | 15:31


thank you for your cooperation.
posted by it must be bunnies 17 April | 17:19
If I hadn't dropped $500 on dogs in the past 1.5 weeks I would have gotten this.
posted by fluffy battle kitten 17 April | 20:02
I am still pissed that I missed it. I almost bought it a while back for the normal price and decided it was just too much. Hoped it would be on sale at some point and then boom. Missed it. Oh well. I guess that is a hundred dollars that can go towards a new system.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 17 April | 20:50
OMG!Jumping bunnies! and snow and bells and happy flash games || "Yet in Death Proof, black suited guys are replaced by hotties in baby tees