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Comment Feed:


29 March 2007

Bummertown, USA For years now, my grandpa's been trying to get rich. [More:] Not by playing the lottery, but through the schemey gimmicky fraudy "contests" they do through the mail. Publisher's Clearing House is just one, the Canadian lottery is another I've heard mentioned. Essentially, there are many that he is a part of, likely in the double digits. He sends them money hoping to receive money. Today he called saying he needed a lift to the currency exchange to pay taxes on a very large check he will be getting on Monday. So, paying taxes on money he does not have, and will not ever have. At one point about a month ago, my mother realized the magnitude and literally had him talk to the FBI about this hoping he'd realize. They told him, of course, there are no mail lotteries in the United States and that he needed to close his bank account and change his credit card numbers (he has already been a victim of identity theft through these "contests"). So after he spoke with them, he told us that they had set him straight, and that he learned his lesson on his own.

Now, though, it's started all over again. He's back to calling us a bunch of skeptics when we explain how none of this is real. We're at our wits' end. My mother now watches his bank account online, but today she spoke of actually legally handling his finances for him, as he's showing us more and more that he is not capable of doing it any longer.

Any thoughts on how this can be managed? Similar things you went through? It just makes me so sad that people are preyed on like this, and that he's so vulnerable to it.
I deal with this a lot at work (I investigate, amongst other things, banking fraud and identity theft). Maybe the account could be put in joint names with your mother, with a requirement that both parties sign any cheques or withdrawal forms.

I know in the UK, if the bank pays out on one signature only when the account mandate specifies joint signatures, then the bank usually has to reimburse the account. This is especially so where the bank permits one party to sign when it has already been put on notice that that person is financially vulnerable.

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posted by essexjan 29 March | 16:15
I'm so sorry you have to go through this, via. Abuse of the elderly is just so atrociously awful. I wish I had better resources, but there's a least a list here of sites for children with aging parents; maybe one of them will be helpful.
posted by occhiblu 29 March | 16:16
the Canadian lottery is another I've heard mentioned

There is NO NO NO legitimate Canadian lottery available to your grandfather. They are ALL ALL ALL scams being run by crooks, usually based in Quebec afaik, sometimes in Vancouver or Toronto.

Under absolutely no circumstances ever should anyone participate in a Canadian Lottery.

You can tell him an authentic Canadian has told him this.
posted by Five Fresh Fish 29 March | 20:09
Also, please do report the Canadian Lotteries to the RCMP. They will investigate and prosecute the crooks.

Unfortunately the sleazy bastards grow like mushrooms. Every time one is busted, a new one replaces it. It's sickening.
posted by Five Fresh Fish 29 March | 20:11
Yes, report these scams to the police!

Coincidentally, my uncle is a big believer in "get rich quick" schemes, although he gets burned every.single.time. Recently, he's started convincing my grandparents to "invest" in them too. Luckily, my parents were able to convince my gparents (who have health problems) to let my parents handle their finances, so at least their assets are protected. Also, my parents are reporting all these scams to the local FBI bureau, who seem to take the whole situation very seriously!
posted by muddgirl 30 March | 07:09
HA HA JRUN || Caption this!