I was attacked. So, I'm walking home from a couple of hours in the Pub and I was attacked by a gang of youths! Yay me. Well, not so much attacked as slightly knocked.
→[More:] Gosh, I'm all shaken up and in the mood to tell anyone who'll listen and guess what guys. Tonight, you're it.
So, I'm walking home through west central Halifax (Which has a reputation as being a trouble spot, for racial and drugs and poverty related reasons) and I'm texting the girlfriend to thank her for looking after me the night before when I'd had a hard day at the office and she cooked me food and bought me beer and stuff, and I'm walking past a gang of yoofs who are all gangstar'd up. As is normal, the sight of a kid in a hoody with a scarf over his face doesn't bother me that much. It almost seems like a fashion statement these days.
Anyway, as I pass the group, the bescarfed one decides to take a swing at me. It's quite a good shot, stings a little and sends the old glasses flying. While I try and retrieve said glasses, another one of them plants another couple of hits around my head whilst Mr "I'm anonymous" tries to steal my mobile phone. I hang on to the phone, stand up and start berating them for randomly attacking me.
"Why would you do this" I say. "Dude, what have I ever done to you."
I put the phone in my pocket and continue to walk up the road. Bescarfed walks beside me for a couple of yards and I continue to ask him what the fuck he's doing.
After those couple of yards he tells me to "Go home to your mummy." (WTF) and heads on back to be with his friends. I shout at him incredulously asking why he would do this.
A couple of people saw it, asked me if I was alright, offered me a cup of tea. The tea offering guy apologised to me, shook his head, said it was the area. That's the hardest thing for me, that someone who wasn't to blame thought they had to apologise because he's asian (Pakistani to you Americans) and the attackers were asian and he somehow feels he or his are to blame.
I'm alright though. Gangsta as the kid was, he hit like a little girl. I'm a bit stunned, and I think I'll bruise a little below my left eye but the thing people don't realise about me is that I've a head like an ox.
Yay me. Living the urban life in little old Halifax.