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21 March 2007

So surreal and unintentionally funny , I had to post this [youtube] I'm not trying to poke fun at anyones beliefs, its just that this video struck me as both very strange, and very funny.
At a funeral today, the preacher kept going on and on about sodomy. Seriously. On and on. I could barely contain myself. I'd like to see a skit about that.
posted by ColdChef 21 March | 17:28
Huh. Was he pro-sodomy or anti-sodomy?
posted by Greg Nog 21 March | 18:19
Hey, even preachers enjoy the old in and out.
posted by nola 21 March | 18:37
That's not particularly surreal if you've ever been in a youth ministry setting. Mostly it's just sort of well done for a Jesus skit; basic acting skills in evidence.

(I once portrayed Jesus in this sort of context, actually; ironically, this was back when my hair was short, my face was cleanshaven, and my atheism was undeclared.)
posted by cortex 21 March | 18:47
Ok Chef I'll bite, what was the preacher talking about? Or is there no way to make a story out of it?
posted by nola 21 March | 20:52
Oooh, boy. What's the best way to summarize this?

The dearly departed had done a little jail time, as it were. And, as such, became very familiar with sodomy, which he would discuss with others at length, given the opportunity. His family was also very outspoken about...the types of persons who would enjoy forced sodomy, specifically homosexuals (and not, as you'd imagine, vent their rage at the incarcerated in general). And this became the theme of this gentleman's eulogy.

His life was summed up by referencing the evils of homosexual sex based on a singular experience that had forever altered this man's view of mankind.

It was, as I've said, quite difficult to maintain my composure during the service.
posted by ColdChef 21 March | 22:20
Truth is stranger than fiction. I can only hope that when my time comes and I'm called home to glory, I won't have to look down through the clouds and see people talking about forcible sodomy at my funeral.
posted by nola 21 March | 22:46
Wow, I was waiting for a punchline the whole time. I didn't realize this wasn't a parody.
posted by knave 22 March | 08:27
I can only hope that when my time comes and I'm called home to glory, I won't have to look down through the clouds and see people talking about forcible sodomy at my funeral.

So, you'd prefer they stuck to talking about your voluntary sodomy? Your funeral is going to be AWESOME!
posted by ColdChef 22 March | 11:34
Oh god, he's taking his clothes off!
posted by deborah 22 March | 11:57
I don't mind if they talk
about my vountary sodomy, I
just wish they wouldn't point.
posted by nola 22 March | 18:09
Liquorice allsorts tea cosy. || I need your photo opinions again.