Hometown Baghdad is a website hosting short (2-3 minute) videos of Iraqis and their families trying to live in what has become the world's least livable cities.
→[More:] I found the first three episodes (hosted on YouTube) up on the site fascinating glimpses into current Iraqi life. I can't imagine living in my own city, if 40 to 50 people a day, on average, were being violently killed, as is common in Baghdad. At that rate, in 3 days, we'd have the murder rate we had for all of 2006, and in 2006 our murder rate became high enough that a joint city-state special operations unit was launched here.
God knows what it is really like to be trying to make a life there, for middle class Iraqis, but this site is trying to show just that struggle. Carries through a human focus on what is too easily become a depersonalized and depressing constant headline story.