Counter offer 101. A small marketing firm quoted me a rate of $4k per month for a 3 month period to market my business.
Which I promptly choked on, since if *I* was making $4k/month I wouldn't freakin' need marketing! So They called to followup after I told them I was beyond too broke to do those terms, and they said they're willing to figure out some other kind of contract terms. So I'm supposed to counter offer.
Can you guys help me figure out what to throw their way? I'm fairly clueless when it comes to marketing and demographics, and I have no problem paying for some PR help to crack some doors. I don't know what specifics are as far as how they will market me. They have not marketed specifically someone who does what I do, but they are not new to marketing.
Here's my business if anyone is curious.
f there was a way to delay or spread out payment somehow, not necessarily reduce payment, I could probably handle that. So here's a few ideas I had:
1. Offer $1k up front, followed by a 20% commission to them of paying gigs landed through them.
2. Pay their hourly rate to come up with a brand/message not to exceed $1k, followed by a 20% commission on paying gigs landed through them
3. Do either of the above for a 90 day trial window.
High? Low? Crazy? Other?