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That being said, I need a little help with traditional straight male to straight male interaction, "guy time" if you will.
Do guys, like, talk to each other? Or do they just... not?
See I've got this friend who I know from high school who I always really liked. He was one of my best buds for like three years. Then he went off to college and I so didn't, and then we just kind of fell out of touch.
In high school my friends were male, geeky, anime nerds. I haven't even kept in touch with two of them who ALSO stayed in [my hometown]. After high school and with the transition, I just wasn't into having to try and convince these guys to see me as male when I feel like they just never could.
That being said, I do still care about the guys and I wish them happiness, and sometimes I just... wonder about them. I want to understand them better. So my question is... Can I just like... talk to them? Ask them stuff? Like about themselves? Do biological straight guys try to get to know their friends?
Putting it down here it sounds so ridiculous, like, "UM DUH OF COURSE THEY DO IT'S CALLED BEING FRIENDS" but at the same time I still feel really iffy about the whole thing.
In any case, the guy who went to college is going to be back for a week soon and I think I'm just going to ask him some of the things I'm curious about. I hope he doesn't think I'm weird or something.