This is a cheering thread! Yaaaaaaay!!! →[More:]
it's Friday, yaaaaaaay!!!!
I have a big ole bowl of my roommate's scrumpdillyomunchable spaghetti-and-italian-meatballs for lunch, yaaaaaaaaay!
my office supplies came with a free bag of
Jelly Bellys, yaaaaay!!
and there wasn't one single black jellybean in the whole bag but there were many tutti fruitti ones, yaaaaaaaaay!!!!
it is looking more and more certain that we're going to move very shortly from this disgusting ghetto falling-down, ant-infested office building into a posh and swanky, brand-spanky-new site that is (ZOMG!!) right across the street from the local brewpub! YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!
so, whatcha got to cheer about?