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08 February 2007

and it's not Bush I is seven feet tall anyway -- he was 6'2'' when he was in office, I guess he's a bit shorter now, getting older and all. I just thought Hatcher was a very tall woman, I don't know why.

and the other lady from Desperate Housewives, Eva Longoria, must be really tiny then
posted by matteo 08 February | 11:48
Eva Longoria is tiny. She's, like....2 feet tall.
posted by iconomy 08 February | 11:50
I've been watching quite a bit of Lois & Clarke lately. It's on when we have our dinner and as cheesy, campy entertainment goes it's not too bad. The difference between how she looked then and how she looks now is pretty scary. That surgery may have got her a few more years of work but good god almighty...
posted by dodgygeezer 08 February | 11:55
I was just telling the gf the other day that Teri Hatcher weirds me out. Her face, her body... they're just... weird.
posted by mike9322 08 February | 12:51
I still don't understand why. Why is she hanging out with Bush1?

And she is soooooo creepy looking. Every time she smiles, I think her head is going to split open. Her flesh always looks about ready to slide off the bone.
posted by jrossi4r 08 February | 13:33
Why is she hanging out with Bush1?

because he dumped Barbara for her? can you imagine? best gossip story ever!
posted by matteo 08 February | 13:43
Couldn't happen, matteo. She's had more important people wacked for less important infractions. (You know she has.)
posted by jrossi4r 08 February | 13:58
Yeah, Babs scares me.
posted by deborah 08 February | 14:09
Every time she smiles, I think her head is going to split open. Her flesh always looks about ready to slide off the bone.

posted by Specklet 08 February | 14:14
Also note he's at the height of his stride and she is probably at her lowest height in hers. Good for a couple of inches. I'm sure her height is recorded online somewhere.
posted by Eideteker 08 February | 18:03
Yeah, according to IMDB she's 5' 6" - I guess that's a little over average height.
posted by dodgygeezer 08 February | 18:11
I've been spreading the rumor that most short celebrities are 3 feet taller or shorter.

Beck 2.5 feet tall

Prince 3 feet

posted by drezdn 09 February | 10:14
No way Prince is that tall.
posted by Eideteker 13 February | 19:23
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