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30 January 2007

I am so lucky that whatever my worries are right now (and they do loom large at the moment), the support of dear friends, a good Nina Simone album, a glass or two of decent wine, and a hot bath can send them away for a while. For that I give thanks. How do you deal with your worries?
Oh, and let me be honest that the wine-and-jazz stage was prefaced with the shouty-music-on-stun and IRC/phone contact with said friends stage. It's just that the calm is descending and I know that this, too, shall pass, unlike many of the tribulations y'all have been through.
posted by elizard 30 January | 04:09
Oh man! Anyone giving you trouble? IWILLSMASHTHEM!


Anyway, very happy to see you here, sweetie.
posted by taz 30 January | 04:31
and to answer your question... the wine and music, for sure. I clean house if I can make myself do, because a clean house makes everything feel better, and then I use essential oils in oil burners to make it smell great. Long, long walks. Books. Hot shower followed by satsuma body butter for the soothing and the scenting and the cheerful citrus uplift. Pajamas fresh from the laundry.
posted by taz 30 January | 04:49
Cold beer. Loud music. Good company. When the weather is good, walking around the city and just watching life go on. Mundane normality can be very reassuring. Sometimes I'll watch movies about war or prison or stuff like that to remind myself it can always be worse.
posted by jonmc 30 January | 07:47
Tool. Wine. Snuggling with Mrs. tr33 and cat and dog. More wine . . .
posted by tr33hggr 30 January | 08:06
"How do you deal with your worries?"

Avoidance and denial usually.
posted by mischief 30 January | 08:19
How do you deal with your worries?

Get overwhelmed by them, get depressed, and then get over them.
posted by hadjiboy 30 January | 08:31
Some worries I avoid, some days I call in sick (as in 'sick of the world') and feel sorry for myself (ahem, today fer example). Sometimes, if it's a rageful, frustrated worry, I work out or find some other, er, physical way to get rid of the tension/anxiety.

Chocolate and wine are cure-alls.

*whuffles elizard*

Hope things get better.
posted by SassHat 30 January | 10:45
I used to go for a drive. I would head south 'til I started feeling better, then turn around. Loud music was required as well. Music was key.

Luckily, I never hit the Gulf of Mexico, usually an hour was the most I had to go.
posted by richat 30 January | 11:44
Recently, I've had a good cry, drank a beer, and watched some distracting TV or played some video games. The crying is essential - afterwards I feel so curiously renewed, like all my worries were flushed out through my tear ducts.
posted by muddgirl 30 January | 12:12
*whuffles elizard enthusiastically*

I do wine, friends, and good food. (I aim for smooching it up with someone, but usually fail.)
posted by Specklet 30 January | 12:39
Sometimes I just shut down. If I'm feeling really overwhelmed, sometimes it's all I can do to just go to bed and tell myself it'll pass. It's like my brain gets caught in a loop or something and I can't make decisions, I can't do the dishes, I can't even turn on the TV. All I want is a dark room and a stack of soft pillows. I'm usually really overtired when I get like that, too; the rest usually helps me think more clearly and cope a little better.

For milder stress, TV and junk food work wonders.

posted by Pips 30 January | 13:23
I've realized lately that I have started stressing out when my stress-relievers don't work IMMEDIATELY. So now I need to find stress relievers for my stress relievers. :)

Yesterday, however, it was my therapist gently nudging me into an unexpected and much needed change of perspective, at which point every bit of stress suddenly seemed very silly and everything just clicked into place. It was so very lovely; those sudden moments of clarity are precious.
posted by occhiblu 30 January | 14:18
I swallow my worries down - just pretend they are a ball of dough and keep swallowing until they are gone. They usually start trying to come back up, but I just keep swallowing and swallowing until they turn into a tiny ball of worry deep inside me that just keeps getting denser and denser and bigger and bigger - just keep swallowing over and over again until they are gone.

What do you mean, I'll explode one day? Nah, never going to happen.

*googles "telescopic sights"*

Note: The first paragraph is true, the others not so much.
posted by dg 30 January | 17:06
Depends on my worries. I'll do the talking thing, to anyone who will hear me, pretty much. Lots of times I'll find something funny in whatever is troubling me. But for the really serious stuff, I tend to shut down. Not healthy. It leads to big explosions, yelling, tears, but then usually rational thinking and relief. I wish I could get to the rational thinking and relief without going through the explosion. I'm working on it.
posted by redvixen 30 January | 19:49
Normally it's drinking wine also, although tonight it was finding a leather jacket at the Gap for 40 bucks. Tonight all my shit is encapsulated and made whole by buying my first-ever leather jacket. I look pretty good in it, too.

Oh, and E? I miss you like mad. I wish we had cigarettes to share and somewhere to go. I wish you could take me to a great outside bar and make me sick to my stomach trying to keep up with you. ;)
posted by Lipstick Thespian 30 January | 20:40
More Mitchell and Webb - The Good Samaritan || This is so wrong,