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♦ RSS eight-minute fireworks display is scheduled to take place on Lake Union, Saturday, January 27th, sometime between the hours of 5:00 PM. and 8:00 PM. The display is not being promoted to the general public; the fireworks are part of an on-line contest being video-taped for the Internet from Gas Works Park. The fireworks are launched from two (2) secured barges located on Lake Union. The exact timing of the display depends on the weather that night. We plan to install a portable screen and sound system in the prow area of the park (the bricked area on the south edge) and project a short introductory video just prior to the fireworks display. The Gas Works towers will be lit to make the park recognizable to the Internet audience.My friend belongs to the Houseboat Association, so I'm thinking that is from where this came. So, it's quite possibly legit. And, it's going to be nice, Saturday. All will be apparent by then, anyway, considering that it's kind of hard to hide a barge in the middle of a small lake.