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13 January 2007

On of those "How Much Should I Charge?" Questions... One of my photos, for an ad. [More:]

the email says:

Hi there - wonder if you can help. We want to use this photo (curtain.jpg) to feature in a small printed advert for our curtain company. If so, how much would you want for the copyright usage?

I don't know if they want to use it directly from Flickr, in which case, it's not really a big deal, or if I have to find the photo (urgh) re-crop, and give it to them in a larger size. How much would you charge for the first? For the second?

I'm not really interested in trying to get the most possible money, since it sounds like a little business... But I still don't know what's a nice fair, low-ish price.

I poked around a bit in askme, since I figured it must be covered there, but I didn't see what I was looking for. Have we covered this here?
Here's the photo, btw:

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by taz 13 January | 15:54
What a nice photo, taz!

I've been asked by three bands to use photos of mine for CD covers and I haven't charged anything yet. I'd rather have the bragging rights, to tell you the truth. Although this is the first place I've mentioned it besides email, so I guess I'm not doing a very good job at the bragging.

I guess I wouldn't expect a struggling or indie band to pay - they have enough to worry about, and if I like their music they'll send me stuff ;)

Ask for curtains!
posted by iconomy 13 January | 16:04
A penny a copy, $500 in advance. Nonexclusive license. Throw in 12 months web rights if you are feeling generous.
posted by bigblueroom 13 January | 16:10
What bigblueroom said. Even if you don't do the per/copy part, you should charge no less than $500.

Did you ever buy that awesome coat? Is it still there?
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:17
heh. No, I didn't, sciurus. I'm not sure if it's still there; I was actually thinking of checking. :)

$500 is a lot more than I had in mind, though! ... I don't think this is for some sort of expensive magazine. It's probably for whatever sort of trade publication retailers of curtains, etc. read.
posted by taz 13 January | 16:53
They can afford it. $500 is a pretty standard rate. Likely they'll want the largest size you have, at 300dpi if you have it.
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:59
I've sold for a lot less than 500 (USD) more like 100-150 for small space ads/ads in small runs (small publications). But I make damn sure they know about the nonexclusive rights thing, and that each time they wanna use that pic again, they gotta ask you again, spelled out in non-legalease because people tend to think they bought all rights of the shot, when they didn't.
posted by dabitch 13 January | 19:31
(but don't be cheap, yaknow. People make a living as photographers. Don't undercut.)
posted by dabitch 13 January | 19:33
That's a great photo, taz. Very evocative. And please, don't sell (heh) yourself short; charge them the going rate as in the comments above.
posted by deborah 13 January | 22:49
Thanks for the info, guys! I'm going to get more details from them regarding the business and the publication, etc.

Ico, I have some work on a couple of band CDs, too! Not photos, though. One indie band used a set of my patterns on their front and insert pages - and yeah, of course I didn't charge them.

And I totally agree, dabs - I have a lot of photographer friends, so I really appreciate this concern!
posted by taz 14 January | 02:32
Definitely do some footwork about them taz.

Some companies masquerade as a small publication or firm to knock down the price.

Nice shot./
posted by alicesshoe 15 January | 17:22
Do you budget/track income & expenses? If so, how do you do it? || Is it just me or is AIM down for everyone?