I'm an unintentional asshole My shyness just manifests itself by making me appear like an arrogant asshole.
Just yesterday:
I went to get a package from my apartment building, and the building manager (female) was locked out of the office after lunch. I am shy and she seems to be too, so the conversation was awkward, and I told her I'd just come by later to pick up the package. And it didn't even cross my mind to open the tv room door for her (the office door opens outside), I just left to the garage and let her on the cold outside. It only crossed my mind when I was driving to work that it was doubly insensitive (leaving her alone AND in the cold).
And then, at night, something that happens quite often (I'd say at least three times in the last weeks). A girl comes by, makes eye contact, smiles, talk to me, I get confused, look at my friends (which incidentally is away from her), and the girl just goes away thinking I turned my face on her. Only this time she comes back again later and the whole stuff happens again in slow motion (like minutes of eye contact, some dance, etc). And it's not like I wanted to diss her, quite the contrary, she was very attractive (which adds to the self beating later when I realize what I just did).
Any other self-sabotaging socially inept bunnies have any hints?