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Comment Feed:


22 December 2006

I'm starting a new Mecha tradition. I think we should have a Bunny Roast for bunnies celebrating their membership anniversaries.[More:]

And, oh! Will you look at that? Tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary. What a remarkable coincidence. (I'm travelling all day tomorrow so I wanted to do this today.)

One year. Wow. I have to say, I have spent a lot (a lot) of time surfing and lurking at various community websites. Metachat is the first website where I have ever felt compelled to participate. I have made real, actual, flesh-and-blood friends here. I know some of you better than others but feel a camaraderie with every one of you that I didn't think was possible on the internet. Metachat is a special place and I'm so glad to have found it. Thank you.

Okay, now that all that sappy shit is out of the way... roast me, bunnies!
roast me, bunnies

We have to marinate you first.

*sticks cloves in mike's back, soaks him in vinegar*

Here's an apple for your mouth. open wide.
posted by jonmc 22 December | 11:29
We have to marinate you first.

Don't forget to crack his shit up.
posted by danostuporstar 22 December | 11:30
Mine was a year on 20 December. So roast me and mike9322 together!

I second everything mike says.

I do not know what a roast is but assume it is fun, and will be at least double the fun if it is me and mike together
posted by essexjan 22 December | 11:33
Yay jan!

posted by mike9322 22 December | 11:35
We love you, too, mike696911!!1.

Oh, wait... wrong mike. Never mind.
posted by taz 22 December | 11:37
Really, ej, you've only been around a year? To me you pretty much synonymous with metachat.
posted by danostuporstar 22 December | 11:37
*sprinkles roastee with cilantro*
posted by bunnyfire 22 December | 11:40
I remember when mike started posting -- he was kind of a second wave of bunny.

He jumped right in and started posting a lot and I was all like "who is this young upstart?! Begone!" But I guess I'm used to him now :)
posted by gaspode 22 December | 11:41
I remember back when jan first joined metachat... She would Not. Stop. Posting. Cute. Bunnies. Gah. But things have changed since then. Now she also posts saunter cat.
posted by taz 22 December | 11:41
How do you know what your membership anniversary is?
posted by cmonkey 22 December | 11:46
You post to the front-page the day you join.
posted by danostuporstar 22 December | 11:47
Remember when mike was just the cabana boy instead of a suit? Remember when he used to hang out and make us margaritas instead of rolling with the big boys? Remember the foot massages? The sexy dances? The delicious snacks he would whip up on the spot after we all went skinnydipping?

Yeah... me either.
posted by taz 22 December | 11:48
Worst. Cabana. Boy. Ever. You got a lot of making up to do, mister. Whatta ya think? You get to hang out here for free? Earn your keep.
posted by Pips 22 December | 11:53
mike9322's hairline isn't receding--it's trying to get away from his face. No, seriously, folks, mike9322's a great guy. I don't want to say he's not ambitious, but let's just say that 'Metachat Cabana Boy' is the highlight of his resume.

And essexjan, I love ya! Don't worry about what everybody else says. They wouldn't call you 'boring' if they knew you spent your vacations in Ohio.
posted by box 22 December | 11:56
(I just can't roast ej... she's so tender already : )
posted by Pips 22 December | 11:59
Tar and feathers first, burnination can wait!
posted by Daniel Charms 22 December | 12:03
*flashes, throws the goat*
posted by krix 22 December | 12:06
taz, not only did I post Sauntercat, I invented Sauntercat! Found the pic, captioned it, the rest is history.
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by essexjan 22 December | 12:23
I know that, jan, and all I can say is if all lawyers were more like you we would all have to worry a lot less about copyright infringement (and a lot more about hairballs!).

*hopes jan knows that the roast is a LOVING thing* :)
posted by taz 22 December | 12:40
Yes, box! That is quality roast material. But for true authenticity, you have to come up with a joke that references "Bea Arthur's dick."
posted by jrossi4r 22 December | 12:43
mike9322: Ceiling Cat is watching you Sauntercat.
posted by rainbaby 22 December | 12:44
Hey Photoshop gurus, rainbaby's post requires a mashup. You know what I mean.
posted by tommasz 22 December | 12:51
My first-ever post was December 21st, 2005, the anniversary of which was yesterday. Too late to get in on the celebration wagon?

Does this make me a first- or secondwave bunny? I'm thinking 2nd Wave.

Oh, and Mike9322? Happy anniversary, you narwhal.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 22 December | 13:00
You don't even want me to go there...
posted by getoffmylawn 22 December | 13:04
Wow, lots of December bunnies.
posted by mike9322 22 December | 13:06
Hey Mike
What the fuck is that plastic coat you're wearing? Take that shit off and burn it before I have you arrested for attempted leather.

Ohhh, just kidding folks, no worries, mike's gonna be pissed at me when he gets the executive summary of this thread, I can see his lips moving now. If anyone packed a lunch we can have a nosh while we let that one sink in.

And dear Essexjan, what a darlin', what could I possibly say about her that hasn't already been said about the country of Afghanistan?

All jokes blatantly stolen, I work better in the snaps and dozens tradition so I gotta have something to work off of to really let fly. I adore you all, happy happy happy.

On Preview:

Man Lipstick Thespian, up jumps the devil, one mention of Bea Arthur's dick and homeboy is smashing though the wall like the freakin' Kool Aid man, be cool man you gotta sneak up on that dick, gotta rikki tikki tavi on up to it and pounce.
posted by Divine_Wino 22 December | 13:07
Apparently my first post was January 10, but I'm pretty sure I created an account long before that. That is lost to my memory though. I do recall seeing this site during the major mefi outage. At that time, it seemed like half of the posts were quonsar and jonmc. Now there's less quonsar.
posted by pieisexactlythree 22 December | 13:25
Divine_Wino, that's some great material. Careful with those jokes--they're antiques. Seriously, though, that's some routine--I bet you're even funnier when you're sober.

And hey, mike's got great taste in clothes! When you've got a body like that, you pretty much have to.
posted by box 22 December | 13:29
(yeah, my first post was June 9, 2005, but I'm pretty sure I joined MeCha the day of or the day after it kicked off)
posted by gaspode 22 December | 13:31
I joined after I got back from Ohio when George died. I did a BCC'd email to everyone on AskMe who'd emailed me privately to thank them, and someone (I think possibly amro, but I can't remember now) said "why not come over to Metachat?". I'd never heard of MeCha, so checked it out and signed up straight away.

I think the cheque for my membership fee bounced though, but nobody's come after me since for the money.
posted by essexjan 22 December | 13:45
essexjan's strand beast post (which I can't find now) was the first thing I ever read on Mecha.
posted by getoffmylawn 22 December | 13:59
goml - search for 'Strandbeest'.
posted by essexjan 22 December | 14:08
I brought marshmallows!

Oh, wait...

My first post was May 24, 2005 (complaining that Mefi was down), but my first comment was May 18, 2005 and I'm user #10. Smug? Me? Nahhh.
posted by deborah 22 December | 14:48
I'm user #10.

Where'd you get that sweet datapoint?
posted by danostuporstar 22 December | 14:54
(yeah, I think I'm like user #141 or something. Maybe not. That's the no. that's stuck in my mind)
posted by gaspode 22 December | 14:59
Divine Wino - what Bea Arthur and I do with her dick behind closed doors is between and her, man. Okay, it's between me, her and whoever saw my Youtube post.

Okay, it's between me, her, Youtube and her legal representation.

Still, the was like spooning with a brillo pad with a ten-cigar a day habit.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 22 December | 18:25
dano - Your number used to show on your profile page if you floated your cursor over your post or comment count. Or something like that. I think it was changed to avoid smugness like mine. As you can see, it hasn't helped.
posted by deborah 22 December | 21:47
You guys are terrible roasters, which is a testament to your good natures and good hearts.
posted by Divine_Wino 22 December | 23:34
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