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05 December 2006

My shit day is turning into a shit week [More:] so here is a nice moping song. "The Highway" by Peter and the Wolf.

I am so in love with KFJC
sorry... mine too
posted by edgeways 06 December | 00:23
I'm sorry to hear about your week. This song (Baseball by Michael Franks) always cheers me up. Of course, that all depends on if you find 70s songs using baseball as a metaphor for sex funny.
posted by sleepy_pete 06 December | 00:56
I don't know wtf to do about my work. I hate it, but only because I hate working as an employee. I've successfully avoided it most of my life, but not this time.

Thing of it is, I could quit and find a better job in the same day. It's a new-store startup and the owner knows SFA about managing a store, let alone managing employees.

So there's a chance I could do well over the long run, get into a good position for managing the place, write some good software, that sort of thing.

But y'know, the longer I'm at this (month 6 now) and the less forward progress I see, the less I care about the place and the more I think I'll probably get screwed by 'em in the end anyway.

Or maybe that's self-sabotage.


I wanted to be a lumberjack.
posted by Five Fresh Fish 06 December | 01:01
Shit week? Hey I am in a SHIT YEAR. It could be worse.
posted by arse_hat 06 December | 01:11
posted by Specklet 06 December | 01:31
Sorry your week is shit, mine wasn't off to a good start but my sinuses are finally starting to clear so I just can't be down. But they were bad enough yesterday that I left work and came home to sit in the hot tub for forty minutes.

Five Fresh Fish, without much other info, I'd say jump. Six months and no traction isn't going to change anytime soon.
posted by fenriq 06 December | 02:31
That was actually funny, sleepy_pete, thanks.

And I have to concur with fenriq, fff. After 6 months they should be pushing you towards better things if they ever will.
posted by cmonkey 06 December | 02:42
I THWACK the en-shit-ifyers of your day/week/year, bunnies!

posted by By the Grace of God 06 December | 04:50
I had a shit morning. Woken up by the neighbor's dog barking at 5. Still hungover. Had a dream that I called in sick to work and just hung out all day. Overslept by 20 minutes or so. Woke up and realized I couldn't call in sick to work, and had to drag my ass out of bed and get ready. Sucky.
posted by muddgirl 06 December | 10:03
Ooh, the fake day off dream... Most evil of all the cruel tricks neurobiology can play on us.
posted by Divine_Wino 06 December | 11:23
viachicago told me to post this... || mcrib