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05 December 2006

I'm Home! And my house peed on my pillow. [More:] Okay, not really. But I got home at midnight, and it's cool to be back... however, the house smells funny (not like pee, though... we'll get to the pee later...), so I'm burning incense, which also smells funny, but different funny. And it's so humid inside (and outside... but INSIDE... oye) I can't believe it. It's about 55 F, but the humidity is making it really miserable. So I've got the heat megacranked right now to get the chill off - and dry things up a bit before I go to sleep.

When I turned the computer on, it went totally nuts, with a flashing screen, horrible sounds and a million error messages - I have no idea what that was all about; I finally got it rebooted, and it's all normal now (she said optimistically). Then, for some reason there's ice forming on the inside top of the refrigerator part of the refrigerator, and when I opened the freezer part, the fan started making this HORRIBLE loud clanking noise, and even though I did what any good technician would do and pounded on the facing with my fist, it would persist. So, I've unplugged the fridge for now.

So I called my husband to tell him about my adventures in homecoming, and he said, "so the house peed on your pillow, huh?" referring to the time, back when we first got together and I was spending all my time with him, away from home, and my cat got fed up and peed on my pillow to let me know that it was not okay.

Anyway, I'm drinking some nice spicy chai with coconut in it, and it's tasting gooood. The trip was fun, and my husband will be back here for Christmas in a couple of weeks, so I'm happy about that. Now if the house will just forgive me, I'll be okay.
Welcome home friend!
posted by getoffmylawn 05 December | 19:32
Welcome back, taz! Your house may forgive you, but the fridge may file domestic abuse charges.

And guess what? I just got invited to a wedding in Greece this summer! I'm seriously thinking about it.
posted by jrossi4r 05 December | 19:39
oy! cold and humid house and smelly too! the heat should make it better soon for you, I hope.

welcome back in Metachat too!
posted by carmina 05 December | 19:43
yay! jrossi! where is the wedding?
posted by carmina 05 December | 19:43
where? where? Greek metachat meetup anyone?
posted by taz 05 December | 19:45
Ithaca. I've always wanted to see Greece and the thought of attending a Greek wedding with real Greeks is pretty tempting.

I don't know how easy it will be to get someone to watch a four month old,though. That may be an insurmountable obstacle.
posted by jrossi4r 05 December | 19:57
taz, the fridge is iced up because it has been closed for so long - the nasty noise in the fan is probably related to the icing up. If you turn it back on now, it probably won't make the noise, because the ice has melted.

As for the computer issues - sorry about that, I tried to leave everything as I found it, but I had a bit of trouble with some, um, wholesome educational videos I was downloading.

By the way, if the police come to the door, don't believe anything they say.
posted by dg 05 December | 19:58
heh. I've been friendhacked!
posted by taz 05 December | 20:03
Yeah, sorry about the smell, too. It should fade now that the carcasses have been taken away.
posted by dg 05 December | 20:11
Welcome! Ps: how do you make chai with coconut in it?
posted by dhruva 05 December | 20:57
Best friendhack ever: while a person was away for a week, their friends hacked into his computer and deleted everything on the hard drive (except the operating system).

I hope all your house problems get fixed, taz!
posted by halonine 05 December | 21:15
Well! I'm warmer and dryer this morning, yay! The day is beautiful - too bad I have to go pay bills, though. I think dg is right about the fridge... I still have it unplugged, though, since there's still ice inside. I left the computer on overnight, just to let it know it's still wanted and needed. We all need to feel that, don't we? I can't tell if the smell is gone, or if I'm just used to it. I'm going to see if I can find my little burner thingy for essential oils, since the incense is making me want to go barefoot, smoke pot and save the world.

Finally, I'm drinking my own coffee from my own great espresso pot, and that makes me glad.

(dhruva - I just grated some coconut cream into the cup of chai, and it's yum. Coconut cream is my new big thing - I talk about it all the time; where have you been? :) Today I'm going to make chicken chickpea soup... with coconut cream! It comes out very Thai-sty!)
posted by taz 06 December | 04:00
Also, just so everyone knows, a pigeon pooped on my head in Omonia Square yesterday.
posted by taz 06 December | 04:07
When I was in grade 7, just after my mother died, I left for school one morning and a pigeon shit on my head. I went home and showered and changed. I left the second time and almost made it the two blocks to school before a bird shit down the front of my shirt.

I went home and pulled the covers over my head. The world did not want me out that day.
posted by arse_hat 06 December | 04:43
My husband told me it was good luck... but then, maybe after centuries of Ottoman subjection, the Greeks have a different idea about luck? :)

I asked him, is it find-a-fabulous-apartment-you-can-afford-in-Athens lucky? Or win-5,000,000-Euros-in-the-lottery lucky? Or just end-up-eating-lunch-at-a-nice-place-with-beef-in-wine-sauce lucky?

Apparently it's the last one.
posted by taz 06 December | 06:27
yes indeedo, arsey and taz, in Greece it is considered very good luck to have a bird shit on your shoulder. My interpretation is that Greeks don't want to shower afterwards :) ooh I am mean!

taz! are you moving to Athens?! OMG!
posted by carmina 06 December | 10:35
Probably so, carmina. :)
posted by taz 06 December | 10:39
jrossi and dg: you both owe me a Coke for making me snort mine out over the keyboard. Ow.

arse_hat: that would have been my response as well.

taz: welcome home. And is moving to Athens a good thing? If so, I hope it works out for you!
posted by deborah 06 December | 15:12
OOoohh!!! Athens!! How cool is that?!!

Well, taz years ago, I had a cat who peed on my pillow as well. I don't know what I did to incur his wrath, but let's just say it was an unpleasant surprise at bedtime.
Also, there was a time when I was a cashier and a sparrow got in our store. I felt bad for it as it flew around. Then the little bugger pooped on my shoulder!
posted by redvixen 06 December | 19:26
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