Torn Between Two Offers...Feeling Like A GOD..... →[More:]Okay, Bunnies? Dig this: I, today, am in a bidding war for my esteemed work services.
One job pays $17/hr. to go permanent in 30 days or less, with great benefits and cool-ass Liberal Art major co-workers.
The other pays even more, with benefits that include things like paid paternal leave, but with stodgy financial types from Boston.
I have to make a decision soon, and am waiting to hear back from both employers about final offer letters.
Needless to say, I'm outta the freakin' woods by the end of the day, which will find me sozzled at Molly Malones' pub, praising everyone from underneath a vast rainfall of Fuller's ESB.
Cheers, and thanks to everyone who has ever supported me on this site when I was in the shits about being a temp and hating life.