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Comment Feed:


13 November 2006

Well, I didn't get my fracking grant. I will 100 percent surely be laid off in December.[More:]
Just did the right thing and had a conversation with my boss about it. They think my work is fine and they want to do it, it's a good project but I'll probably be laid off for awhile while I get my surgery in January. Thank God they think my work is fine anyway, I'm proud of that. I've done okay here and they want to do my project. I am going to find people to read this grant and make it as beautiful as it possibly can be, and take advice on the best targets to submitting it, because I want to do my fucking project.

In other news, we're probably moving to Glasgow in May, and the Glasgow office have to sack their admin worker too, so if I get funding I could do my project there and at least make sure their admin doesn't melt down in a pit of entropy.

I have little chance of any of this but at least I will get a decent recommendation letter, I hope to God.

I do not take change well, damnit! And I've been working a fucking shit load. I'm pretty much okay, thank God this is a quiet politics week.
posted by loquacious 13 November | 04:53
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.
posted by essexjan 13 November | 04:55
Thanks, dude and dudette! I'll be spending a few evenings researching shit. Somewhere out there is the best help I can possibly find, the best approach, the best planning. Somewhere out there is success for this project. I'll research it at home, etc.

One drawback I have is that all of my friends care about helping my voluntary work be successful but don't much know about this work. I'll have to let them know, maybe they've gotten a grant or have a tip.
posted by By the Grace of God 13 November | 04:57
It definitely sounds like a challenging time for you, BtGoG... hang in there!
posted by BoringPostcards 13 November | 07:44
I don't *want* a challenge right now. It's interesting the way people have been conditioned to use words like 'challenging' for these situations. Not your fault BP as I get your meaning and sympathy loud and clear (thanks!) just marvelling at the oddness of language..

in other news it WILL be a busy politics week this week. fuck.
posted by By the Grace of God 13 November | 09:05
That sucks. First occhiblu and now you. Everybody's getting laid off except me and I'm the one who wants it. What's up with that, irony gods?
posted by jonmc 13 November | 09:51

I used to be in grantmaking (in the historic preservation and land conservation field). If you'd like some random stranger on the Internet to look at your application, I'd be happy to. I doubt I can be of help with targeting funders for you, but I think there are some general things that just about everyone can do to punch up their grant apps. Email is in profile.
posted by Rock Steady 13 November | 10:01
Yup, BTGOG, we can form the "laid off and pissed about it" club. :-)

I know that I will be fine, and that I'll find something and my life will be better than I ever thought it could and I will ride a rainbow to my new office filled with unicorns and pots of gold, but ... yes... Have to agree that cheery responses untempered by the realization that the whole thing sucks are a bit maddening just now. So: I'm sorry. That sucks.
posted by occhiblu 13 November | 11:12
That does indeed suck, BtGoG. Hopefully you'll find funding elsewhere, but it sucks rocks through a straw that you have to look for it again.
posted by elizard 13 November | 16:41
posted by halonine 13 November | 22:35
grace, last time my grant ran out and I had to move on, I was terrified and very pessimistic. Right then, I got the job I have now, which I love, love and I am just laughing at myself and at how disappointed I was then.

I really like your optimism occhiblu!
posted by carmina 13 November | 23:08
posted by occhiblu 13 November | 23:26
That really sucks, BTGoG. I have no helpful hints, so I'm of no use except for someone you can gripe to. Gripe away!
posted by redvixen 14 November | 07:37
Invisible Piano || Bunny! OMG!