feel free to ignore me i'm just gonna rant around in circles here →[More:]
I mean for hell's sake, it's only paperwork and simple paperwork at that. you could train coelenterates to do this stuff. how is it that not only do they all frequently get it wrong, but to add insult to injury - we're six months along the road with 'permanent hire' cookies continually being dangled just out of reach and we
still have to smile and deal with daily passive-aggressive asshattery from the incompetent pile of wankers we're continually promised we're 'gonna be replacing'.
*sigh* I can't even work up the piss and vinegar for a proper shouting thread, especially considering the recent rash of bunny unemployment. i should be thankful I
have a job, right? i mean 99% of the time I dig this gig, but for some reason today I feel like i'm being slowly sucked downward into a giant gaping blackhole of meh.
*skips to suicidal tendencies on the ipod and kicks the litterbin over on her way out the door*